California Scrambles to Find Electricity to Offset Plant Closures

Made wild promises of 'green energy', but are now realizing the can they've been kicking down the road is about to hit a brick wall. We've already seen the results of not having a backup plan for the limits of 'green energy' this past winter in Texas.

California Scrambles to Find Electricity to Offset Plant Closures (

The order requires companies such as PG&E Corp. and Edison International’s Southern California Edison to bring more than 14,000 megawatts of power generation and storage capacity online in the coming years, an amount equal to roughly a third of the state’s forecast for peak summer demand.


Well-Known Member
When Calvert Cliffs had a visitor's center they had a bike set up to a generator and a single light bulb. You would not believe how fast you have to pedal to get that bulb to even glow.