Calvert county schools closing 2 hrs early too


New Member
From Calvert County school's website:

CCPS Closing 2 hours early on 2/13/2007
The Calvert County Public School System will close two hours early today. Given that the weather reports continue to predict cold temperatures late in the day and in the evening and there is no way to predict the temperature for the late afternoon, it is prudent to release schools early so that all students will be home shortly after 3 pm. All evening activities across the system are being cancelled as well.


Well-Known Member
Another case of closing schools due to rain. They must have a bunch of snow days to use up.


New Member
pingrr said:
Another case of closing schools due to rain. They must have a bunch of snow days to use up.

Personally I would much rather the kiddo come home and it rain, then to have her stay at school and it end up ice.......I doubt that buses navigate too well over ice :shrug:


New Member
sorry for the double posting. I forgot to put in the word "public", so I re-wrote it, but the first one went through. Do you know how to delete a post?


Tina2001aniT said:
Personally I would much rather the kiddo come home and it rain, then to have her stay at school and it end up ice.......I doubt that buses navigate too well over ice :shrug:


Material Girl
PREMO Member
I'm in Calvert. My nieghborhood streets are icy. I fishtailed into the neighborhood. It was GREAT! :cheesy:


PREMO Member
Mrs. Jones said:
Grand Prix GT
I would think that the weight of the vehicle combined with the internal personal weight of the interior would provide plenty of good traction.


I'm in Calvert, left work at 4 (also in Calvert) had to scrape a layer of ice off my car before driving home, came home, parked, an hour later my car is covered in ice again. Not going to be a good night.


Material Girl
PREMO Member
DoWhat said:
I would think that the weight of the vehicle combined with the internal personal weight of the interior would provide plenty of good traction.

You forgot to factor in my lead foot. :yay:


DoWhat said:
I would think that the weight of the vehicle combined with the internal personal weight of the interior would provide plenty of good traction.
:notworthy The master! You called her chubby and it is cleverly hidden in there. Bravo :yay: Now to wait for the smackdown :popcorn:


PREMO Member
Mrs. Jones said:
You forgot to factor in my lead foot. :yay:
Why do I always have to explain myself?

Re-read my post, and lets see if you can figure it out all by your lonesome.