Calvert Police Seeking This Man


Staff member
See attached PDF Poster...


  • 2007-09-05-CCSO-Wanted.pdf
    203.9 KB · Views: 439


Dear Nupe,

I am sorry but I needed the money. I will split it with you after you get out.

Your non-racist pal,



100% Goapele Head!
Mikeinsmd said:
He's 40-45 yrs old? Damn, I look good for my age. :yahoo:

Well, you know what they say. Pimping aint easy. Dude looks like he might've did time in Lorton. Those cats been in so long they forget how to dress when they get out again, and again, and again.

On related news, I've seen similar vehicles on my commute so I shall take note of license plates and do what I can to help close the case. :yay:


aka Mrs. Giant
LexiGirl75 said:
Well, you know what they say. Pimping aint easy. Dude looks like he might've did time in Lorton. Those cats been in so long they forget how to dress when they get out again, and again, and again.

On related news, I've seen similar vehicles on my commute so I shall take note of license plates and do what I can to help close the case. :yay:
OMG, I was thinking the same thing - but I'm glad you said it. :roflmao:


LexiGirl75 said:
Well, you know what they say. Pimping aint easy. :yay:

Thanks for the ear worm

ITs hard out here for a pimp ... when the gas money fo da cadillac is all spent... :larry:


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
He's 40-45 yrs old? Damn, I look good for my age. :yahoo:
Calvert Police Seeking ... 09-05-2007 11:48 AM look good :lmao: if you are a woman looking for a redneck with a beer gut :jet:

Ok, who done it??? :mad:
I RESENT that remark!!


Lem Putt
LexiGirl75 said:
On related news, I've seen similar vehicles on my commute so I shall take note of license plates and do what I can to help close the case. :yay:
Lexi, that wasn't his car. That was a car similar to his. Looking for that license plate won't help. You have to look for the guy in the car.


New Member
I know those surveilance pics are awful. He does look like a pimp daddy from what I can see. But the photos show no detail. Word of advice to business owners: technology advances have allowed for higher resolution cameras.


My Sweetest Boy
"Calvert County Sheriff's Dept, xxx speaking"

"Hi, this is Catt. My husband and were driving home this evening and saw a car fitting the description of the car wanted (explained wanted poster). This car wasn't a Lincoln but it was a black Mercury which is very similar. The car was sitting at the stop light on the 2/4 split, waiting to turn onto 4. There was a black man driving with the same style hat as in the poster. I was unable to get a license plate number because he was a few cars behind us and then turned off onto XXX in the XXX subdivision."

"Okay, ma'm let me see if Detective B is still here..... No, he's gone, but let me see if I can get another detective. [wait...wait] Hi, there is nobody available, they are interviewing. I will put you into Detective B's voicemail and he will get it tomorrow morning."

"Well, I thought maybe somebody would want to run up there since this was only 15 minutes ago."

"Ma'm, if the fellow lives there, we can check it out tomorrow."

Okay...I tried. :rolleyes: I realize it's a long shot but damn...

(I did leave a message on the Detective's voicemail.)