"Calvert County Sheriff's Dept, xxx speaking"
"Hi, this is Catt. My husband and were driving home this evening and saw a car fitting the description of the car wanted (explained wanted poster). This car wasn't a Lincoln but it was a black Mercury which is very similar. The car was sitting at the stop light on the 2/4 split, waiting to turn onto 4. There was a black man driving with the same style hat as in the poster. I was unable to get a license plate number because he was a few cars behind us and then turned off onto XXX in the XXX subdivision."
"Okay, ma'm let me see if Detective B is still here..... No, he's gone, but let me see if I can get another detective. [wait...wait] Hi, there is nobody available, they are interviewing. I will put you into Detective B's voicemail and he will get it tomorrow morning."
"Well, I thought maybe somebody would want to run up there since this was only 15 minutes ago."
"Ma'm, if the fellow lives there, we can check it out tomorrow."
Okay...I tried.

I realize it's a long shot but damn...
(I did leave a message on the Detective's voicemail.)