Calvert Schools Question


New Member

We are thinking of moving to Calvert County.... As our "Pleasure Trip" at "The Park" has drawn to an end *sigh*. :clap:

Any of you fine folks send your kids to Appeal Elementary school?
I need feedback on the real issues, pros and cons of this school district.
If we move, our kids will attend there.

Thanks in advance for any advice y'all offer.


I bowl overhand
SCHOOLS in Calvert

WOW, I should be getting paid by the county.. can I talk them up anymore in here today??

I Love the schools here. I have children in all three levels.. but not Appeal. My youngest goes to Dowell and she LOVES it. They did a GREAT job with her moving in here, and within a week she was feeling like she lived here her whole life.
The schools are real good at communicating with parents, and the education they are getting seems to be top notch. My 10 year old is challenged daily, but not so much where she gets discouraged.

I'm very impressed with their faculty here, in all three schools.. I haven't found the "old veteran" that has the attitude and hates kids.. everyone here seems to love what they are doing and ar totally dedicated to the kids.. what a welcome change..

Any ways.. any questions feel free.. I'll answer the best I can!


Nothing to see here
I can't figure ya out, Bob, a transplant that isn't bashing the area??? whoa...:confused:


I bowl overhand
Originally posted by otter
I can't figure ya out, Bob, a transplant that isn't bashing the area??? whoa...:confused:

You have to know from whence I came... Look up Oil City PA on the map.. where the schools here are the top 4%, there they were the bottom 4%.. no jobs.. It SUCKED.. I love it here.. Besides it's not the are's responsibilty to entertain me and my family.. that's my job!!

AND in saying that.. the job I have here is FANTASTIC.. probably was the most tanned Computer Scientist in the nation last summer!