Calverts Last Day!!!


New Member
Wohoo, daughter had a great year!
Honor roll last 3 qrtrs - best year she's had yet - so proud of her!!
Going to 5th grade next year :bawl:


New Member
congrats on that!! my 4th grader was in honors classes and had straight A's all year --- i struck a deal with her - $5 for every A. Then her father matched my deal... between report cards and progress reports, she made some good money!! i'm in trouble next year -- my kindergartner just asked if O's will get the same payout as an A?? haha....


New Member
congrats on that!! my 4th grader was in honors classes and had straight A's all year --- i struck a deal with her - $5 for every A. Then her father matched my deal... between report cards and progress reports, she made some good money!! i'm in trouble next year -- my kindergartner just asked if O's will get the same payout as an A?? haha....

:yahoo: good for them!!