Cam, culture and color...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
As we head into Super Bowl, Cam Newton is quite convinced of his awesomeness and general discomfort with him by, it seems, white people. For starters, he is awesome. As for uncomfortable, he seems to think him being big, bad and black is the problem and not his behavior, that acting like a 12 year old is fine if you're white but not OK if you're black.

So, I caught the tail end of a discussion on this from the radio, Mike and Mike show, and I missed who was making the comments but he was clearly a black guy and a Cam fan and very much sure that this is about skin color. The hosts tried to offer that it was a culture thing and the expressiveness is fine with them as they get the culture; young, boastful, the look at me thing. The guest rejected that and said he is somewhat of a sociologist and observes people and what makes them uncomfortable and is convinced that objection to Cam's expressiveness is coming from white people insecure and afraid of a young, big, powerful, successful black man.

This sort of thing makes me howl because it plays into the very racial stereotypes we're all supposed to be growing out of as per Dr King. It makes me laugh because the very people who are most supposed to be supporting King's dream, dismissing racial stereotypes, rejecting supremacy arguments are, in fact, promoting that very thing.

So, there it is, the argument that Cam Newton's behavior has nothing to do with behavior and everything to do with culture. :lol:

In any event, to tear this silliness down, why don't we just say all blacks can dance, can't swim, can't see in the dark, have great skin, are (insert stereotype here)___________. By engaging in that exercise, it's easy to see that King's dream faces the exact same ignorance and bias he fought against only nowadays, it's coming from those his fight it was to help the most.

Cam Newton is childish and immature. His sportsmanship is a little shaky. He is also an incredible athlete; big, strong, fast, coordinated, smart and a battler. He is also wrong and not very smart when it comes to sociology. The league has never lacked for people, like Cam, who are seen as jack asses who were also white. Jeff George anyone? How about...Tom Brady?

Shall we go on? Jeremy Shockey was seen by many as a showboat jerk. Riley Cooper is a bit of an ass. Anyone ever here of Johnny Football?

JaMarcus Russel and Vince Young fail because they weren't allowed to be black? RGIII a bust because he wasn't allowed to bring his skin? How'd Jerry Rice make it? Ronnie Lott? Darrel Green?

There is no end to outstanding black and white football players who didn't act like spoiled kids. There are plenty of that sort of immaturity in both colors.

Cam Newton is free to believe that by 'being himself' by 'being black' it makes him a better football player. Fine by me. Lotta guys felt being humble made them better so, who is to say? Cam seems really interested in pressing the issue and enjoying making folks uncomfortable. Again, that's a Cam thing and good for him. Maybe when he'd done proving his blackness is what makes him great and not his talent and skill and dedication and coaching he can go run for office and go head to head with...

....Donald Trump.

Or Anthony Wiener.

Or Debbie Shultz.


:lol: Throw yourself a parade, Cam. Hope you don't throw out your arm patting yourself on the back for your skin color.

Jack ass. :buddies:


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Barry Sanders is the best running back that I have seen play. The guy was a class act on the field. Every time he scored he'd toss the ball to the referee. You never saw him dance, wiggle, point or do any of that other nonsense that has become 'part of the game'. Instead of being like Mike, they should try to be like Barry. When I say they I mean anyone that laces up cleats, sneakers or skates.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
John Riggins was the same way. After scoring in Super Bowl on the absolute best running play to ever happen in the history of the world, he tossed the ball to the official and made a beeline for his oxygen bottle.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
As we head into Super Bowl, Cam Newton is quite convinced of his awesomeness and general discomfort with him by, it seems, white people. For starters, he is awesome. As for uncomfortable, he seems to think him being big, bad and black is the problem and not his behavior, that acting like a 12 year old is fine if you're white but not OK if you're black.

So, I caught the tail end of a discussion on this from the radio, Mike and Mike show, and I missed who was making the comments but he was clearly a black guy and a Cam fan and very much sure that this is about skin color. The hosts tried to offer that it was a culture thing and the expressiveness is fine with them as they get the culture; young, boastful, the look at me thing. The guest rejected that and said he is somewhat of a sociologist and observes people and what makes them uncomfortable and is convinced that objection to Cam's expressiveness is coming from white people insecure and afraid of a young, big, powerful, successful black man.

This sort of thing makes me howl because it plays into the very racial stereotypes we're all supposed to be growing out of as per Dr King. It makes me laugh because the very people who are most supposed to be supporting King's dream, dismissing racial stereotypes, rejecting supremacy arguments are, in fact, promoting that very thing.

So, there it is, the argument that Cam Newton's behavior has nothing to do with behavior and everything to do with culture. :lol:

In any event, to tear this silliness down, why don't we just say all blacks can dance, can't swim, can't see in the dark, have great skin, are (insert stereotype here)___________. By engaging in that exercise, it's easy to see that King's dream faces the exact same ignorance and bias he fought against only nowadays, it's coming from those his fight it was to help the most.

Cam Newton is childish and immature. His sportsmanship is a little shaky. He is also an incredible athlete; big, strong, fast, coordinated, smart and a battler. He is also wrong and not very smart when it comes to sociology. The league has never lacked for people, like Cam, who are seen as jack asses who were also white. Jeff George anyone? How about...Tom Brady?

Shall we go on? Jeremy Shockey was seen by many as a showboat jerk. Riley Cooper is a bit of an ass. Anyone ever here of Johnny Football?

JaMarcus Russel and Vince Young fail because they weren't allowed to be black? RGIII a bust because he wasn't allowed to bring his skin? How'd Jerry Rice make it? Ronnie Lott? Darrel Green?

There is no end to outstanding black and white football players who didn't act like spoiled kids. There are plenty of that sort of immaturity in both colors.

Cam Newton is free to believe that by 'being himself' by 'being black' it makes him a better football player. Fine by me. Lotta guys felt being humble made them better so, who is to say? Cam seems really interested in pressing the issue and enjoying making folks uncomfortable. Again, that's a Cam thing and good for him. Maybe when he'd done proving his blackness is what makes him great and not his talent and skill and dedication and coaching he can go run for office and go head to head with...

....Donald Trump.

Or Anthony Wiener.

Or Debbie Shultz.


:lol: Throw yourself a parade, Cam. Hope you don't throw out your arm patting yourself on the back for your skin color.

Jack ass. :buddies:

Cam Newton has been nothing short of a model citizen here in North Carolina. After every touchdown, he gives a ball to a kid. He makes appearances at schools and even fed a bunch of hungry children on Thanksgiving. Everyone said he'd be in jail by now.

The Cam hate isn't race though. It comes down to the fact that he's the best in the NFL right now and he has fun. Kirk Cousins drew A TON of hate for his "You like that" stuff. If the Jaguars went to the Super Bowl next year, everyone would suddenly hate Blake Bortles too. Goes back to Vrai's thread. America hates winners.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Cam Newton has been nothing short of a model citizen here in North Carolina. After every touchdown, he gives a ball to a kid. He makes appearances at schools and even fed a bunch of hungry children on Thanksgiving. Everyone said he'd be in jail by now.

The Cam hate isn't race though. It comes down to the fact that he's the best in the NFL right now and he has fun. Kirk Cousins drew A TON of hate for his "You like that" stuff. If the Jaguars went to the Super Bowl next year, everyone would suddenly hate Blake Bortles too. Goes back to Vrai's thread. America hates winners.



New Member
If you are a PROFESSIONAL, getting paid to do a job...then act like it. If you score or make a tackle, get the F*** up, hand the ball to the ref, help your opponent off the ground and act like you expect to score or make a tackle again---not like it was the first time in your life you ever scored or made a tackle.

Professional sports has become a complete joke...everything is run like the WWF now.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The point I want to address is the behavior/culture disconnect. I think within it lies the problem and, by extension, the solution to what we call race disharmony.


New Member
If you are a PROFESSIONAL, getting paid to do a job...then act like it. If you score or make a tackle, get the F*** up, hand the ball to the ref, help your opponent off the ground and act like you expect to score or make a tackle again---not like it was the first time in your life you ever scored or made a tackle.

Professional sports has become a complete joke...everything is run like the WWF now.

Never thought I would EVER say this but.....

I agree 100% :yay:


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
If you are a PROFESSIONAL, getting paid to do a job...then act like it. If you score or make a tackle, get the F*** up, hand the ball to the ref, help your opponent off the ground and act like you expect to score or make a tackle again---not like it was the first time in your life you ever scored or made a tackle.

Professional sports has become a complete joke...everything is run like the WWF now.

So players shouldn't celebrate touchdowns? And it's a shame you don't think Cam Newton should hand the ball to kids. Baseball players do it. It's not like the NFL has a shortage of footballs laying around. He makes a kid's day every time he hands them a ball.

Do you want every athlete to be Peyton Manning? Win games and be robotic?

Is it a race thing with Cam? I don't know. People call him a "thug" all the time but, in his time as the face of the Carolina Panthers, he has been a model citizen and positive role model in Charlotte.

I think the reason Cam Newton gets so much hate is because Carolina Panthers fans suck. They take notes from Cowboys fans on how to be insufferable.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
John Riggins was the same way. After scoring in Super Bowl on the absolute best running play to ever happen in the history of the world, he tossed the ball to the official and made a beeline for his oxygen bottle.

Riggins also had a Mohawk.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If you are a PROFESSIONAL, getting paid to do a job...then act like it. If you score or make a tackle, get the F*** up, hand the ball to the ref, help your opponent off the ground and act like you expect to score or make a tackle again---not like it was the first time in your life you ever scored or made a tackle.

Professional sports has become a complete joke...everything is run like the WWF now.

He's a professional what? Football PLAYER. Why do we watch football? To be entertained. It's a stunningly violent, destructive 'game'. Emotion is a huge part of it. Is it well over the top, the Fun Bunch, the silly dances, all of that? Well, depends on what entertains you. The people in charge of promoting the thing have...cheerleaders, silly guys waving flags, obnoxious signs, piped in crowd noise, commercials, you name it. If you want PURE football, go see the local high school. The NFL is about entertainment, same as the WWF.

Again, my interest here is the cultural issue; it flies in the face of everything we believe and want to teach about skin color to say Cam is being who he is as opposed to behaving in certain ways some find offensive. Others find it fun. It provides some very interesting insight to our cultural relations if blacks sincerely feel that this is about skin color, he is behaving 'black' as opposed to behaving in a cultural fashion. If that is so, King was wrong. Or, if so, at least, many of the people he meant to help disagree with him.

Think it through. Anyone who thinks this is just Cam BEING black, then, that explains the thinking behind anyone who might argue all white people's behavior is skin color driven. That the klan, for example, is about skin color and not culture. I find the argument wrong and illuminating.



my war
I was just listening to Joe Theismann and tend to agree with him. If you don't like him celebrating, keep him out of the end zone. He also said, let the kid have fun. It's a short ride in the NFL, just have fun. Joe also brought up the point that celebrations and bravado were way more significant in his playing days. Naming your receiving corp or O-Line (Smurfs & Hogs). End zone celebrations (although the league has clamped down on them) Riggins showing up in a tux & tails, etc. Cam does a lot of good off the field as well and I think that speaks louder than a TD celebration!


Well-Known Member
If you are a PROFESSIONAL, getting paid to do a job...then act like it. If you score or make a tackle, get the F*** up, hand the ball to the ref, help your opponent off the ground and act like you expect to score or make a tackle again---not like it was the first time in your life you ever scored or made a tackle.

Professional sports has become a complete joke...everything is run like the WWF now.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Why is Johnny Manziel so stupid? When was the last time the cops were called because Cam had an "altercation" with his girl? Did Cam have a relapse after a farce of a rehab stint? I've never heard of any reports of Cam wearing a wig and hiding out in Vegas while under concussion protocols. All of the above for Johnny D-Bag in the last 6 months, the latest just last night, and people are shocked by a touchdown dance.

GAFB :doh:


my war
Why is Johnny Manziel so stupid? When was the last time the cops were called because Cam had an "altercation" with his girl? Did Cam have a relapse after a farce of a rehab stint? I've never heard of any reports of Cam wearing a wig and hiding out in Vegas while under concussion protocols. All of the above for Johnny D-Bag in the last 6 months, the latest just last night, and people are shocked by a touchdown dance.

GAFB :doh:

Yeah, He's a piece of work. Totally agree.


Well-Known Member
1 - All the comparisons of Cam celebrations to JJ Watt celebrations are invalid. QB's have different standards. That's all we heard back when Colin Kaepernick was going up to the podium dressed like a gansta rapper.

2 - All the comparisons of Cam celebrations to Rodger's Discount Doublecheck are invalid. The Discount Doublecheck move takes about 2 seconds. I don't view it any differently than spiking the ball. Cams dance moves and antics seem to go on for a minute or more.

3 - All the comparisons of Cam celebrations to Favre and Brady celebration antics are invalid. Farve and Brady antics were (are) spontaneous and unrehearsed. Cam celebrations are just a big, phony, choreographed production.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why is Johnny Manziel so stupid? When was the last time the cops were called because Cam had an "altercation" with his girl? Did Cam have a relapse after a farce of a rehab stint? I've never heard of any reports of Cam wearing a wig and hiding out in Vegas while under concussion protocols. All of the above for Johnny D-Bag in the last 6 months, the latest just last night, and people are shocked by a touchdown dance.

GAFB :doh:

That supports the contention. :buddies: