Fire Marshal Camper fire In California destroys vehicle, damages neighbor's house

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45834 North Poteat Court, California, St. Mary's County, Maryland


Date: 3-21-22

Time: 12:40 p.m.

Location / Address: 45834 North Poteat Court, California, St. Mary's County, Maryland

Type of Incident: Fire

Description of Structure / Property: Camper

Owner / Occupants: Sharon Gonzalez

Injuries or Deaths: None

Estimated $ Loss: Structure: $ 7,000.00 Contents: $ 1,000.00

Smoke Alarm Status: N/A

Fire Alarm / Sprinkler Status: N/A

Arrests(s): None

Primary Responding Fire Department: Bay District Volunteer Fire Department

# of Alarms: 1 # Of Firefighters: 40

Time to Control: 20 minutes

Discovered By: Resident of home

Area of Origin: Interior of Camper

Preliminary Cause: Accidental

Additional Information: A resident of the home was outside when they noticed smoking coming from the camper. The resident attempted to extinguish the fire before it extended to the neighbor, but was unsuccessful. The neighbor's house sustained fire damage on the outside wall next to the camper.