Ok, I just went to their site, and it's ....weak. There's just not much content there. A little disturbing for an actual *provider* to have such a skimpy site.
Now I've heard that recently, they've been bought out, and their entire service has changed - a little. So I'm not sure if the web page reflects the pricing schedule, since none of it matches what's been said in this thread.
What I'd *really* like to know though, is, what is the cost of startup?
Right now, I have DirecWay, the satellite internet service from DirecTV. It's been good WHEN it works - and it's not working right now, at all. Technical support is *always* bad. In almost every instance, after waiting forever for a technical support person, we invariably listen to some schmuck walk us through a half hour of procedures that I not only know won't work, but it's obvious he is just following a script - the support person is showing ZERO comprehension of the actual problem.
At this point, I'd be ready to pay even a little MORE *if* GMP Cable is more reliable. Slower or faster is irrelevant if you're getting *nothing*.
What are the startup costs? Last time we talked to them, several months ago, they offered NONE of the advertized costs, told us we'd have to buy our own modem on our own, and told us we'd have to pay startup fees and installation fees, even though we're a former customer, and the cables are ALREADY IN THE HOUSE.