Can separate beds be key to a happy relationship?


Lawful neutral
More couples opting to sleep in separate beds, study suggests - Health - CBC News

More couples are opting for separate quarters, recent surveys suggest.

As many as 30-40 per cent of couples sleep in different beds, Director of Ryerson’s Sleep and Depression Laboratory Colleen Carney told CBC. Basing her conclusions on her clinics observations of sleep quality, she said the practice, perceived by many as taboo, can actually improve relationships.

“People will say they sleep better [together], but when we actually monitor their brains we see that their brain is not getting into deeper stages of sleep because they’re continuously being woken up by movement or sound,” she says. “It creates a lot of problems.”


I sleep fan freaking tastic alone. No snoring, no body heat, no rolling over, etc. Just me and sleep. :yay:


Registered User
I sleep so much better now that my husband wears the Darth Vader mask. Before the mask...I would have preferred a different a different time zone...lmao

But seriously, I don't sleep worth a crap when he isn't beside me. I just feel safer knowing he is there.


New Member
My wife and I sleep in separate beds. Mostly bc she only sleeps a few hours a night - lays down about 11 and ready to roll at 4. I like to go to bed around 9 and up at 6. Plus she likes it cold with the tv on. Anyway the point is,yes I think it is great for the relationship. No fighting,no dreading the bedtime compromise. And best of all despite being married for almost 20 years we still have the excitement of "new". A quickie in the living room,a little slumber party in her room. :)


New Member
Separate beds in the same room. I love having him in the room with me, but the bed? No way. He snores...just a little, but it's too much for me. The white noise I have drowns it out from across the room.
He has this awful habit of getting into bed ON TOP of the top sheet. As soon as I try to roll over in the night, I can't adjust the sheet at all.