Can someone tell me what was going on south of St. Mary's City overnight?


New Member
The sirens went south for what seemed like 20 minutes then the helo was circling with it's spot light. About 30 minutes later we heard it take off. I haven't been able to find anything. TYIA


New Member
TeacherMom said:
The sirens went south for what seemed like 20 minutes then the helo was circling with it's spot light. About 30 minutes later we heard it take off. I haven't been able to find anything. TYIA
ItsBob broke a finger and needed to be transported.


TeacherMom said:
I think it's interesting that the local online "papers" don't mention it at all.
Not everyting gets coverage..... I saw at least 10 Secret Service vehicles with a gentleman pulled over and handcuffed on 228. Not one word..... Anywhere. :huggy:

Nanny Pam

Kain99 said:
Not everyting gets coverage..... I saw at least 10 Secret Service vehicles with a gentleman pulled over and handcuffed on 228. Not one word..... Anywhere. :huggy:

Now, that's interesting!


Bay_Kat said:
I'll take anything, :killingme it's been so quiet today. Anything going on anywhere? :confused:
Actuallly, Word in Alexandria - is they are closing the Wilson Bridge due to construction defects.

Personally, I am praying this is a big lie since I have no idea how to get to work if they do this.


Kain99 said:
Actuallly, Word in Alexandria - is they are closing the Wilson Bridge due to construction defects.

Personally, I am praying this is a big lie since I have no idea how to get to work if they do this.

Any idea when this is supposed to happen? That would be really bad. :jameo:


HorseRiding God said:
Actually Zues got his hoof stuck in a guardrail over near gate 2 and sent me flying to a Hornets nest.
Are you swollen? :batseyes: :lmao:


New Member
I also saw those "police cars" doing mach jesus down in St. Mary's City. Saw the "black helicopters" as well, spotlights and all. Word on the street is ET broke loose from his pax river detention cell and is headed back to the home world. oh, and one more thing. Those weren't secret service agents.... they were the Men In Black.... Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith are their bosses.


New Member
Kain99 said:
Actuallly, Word in Alexandria - is they are closing the Wilson Bridge due to construction defects.

Personally, I am praying this is a big lie since I have no idea how to get to work if they do this.
210 to 295 north to 395 west/south to your workplace. :yay:


Cleopatra Jones
Mikeinsmd said:
210 to 295 north to 395 west/south to your workplace. :yay:

That's a BEAST of a drive through rush hour though, especially with all the construction in SE DC.

But you're right; there's really no better way than through the city.