Can we get rid of this idiot.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance

Lawmaker says Marines killed Iraqis 'in cold blood'

CNN said:
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A decorated Marine colonel turned anti-war congressman has said Marines killed at least 30 innocent Iraqi civilians "in cold blood" in Haditha in November, suggesting the death toll may be twice as high as originally reported.

Rep. John Murtha, D-Pennsylvania, told reporters Wednesday that he got his information from U.S. commanders, who said the investigation will show that the Marines deliberately killed the civilians.


Routinely Derailed
Just like other officers that make rank by watching out for their own interests only, this guy obviously thinks he has something to gain by pulling this crap.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hold up...

...this is under investigation, so let's wait and see.

Our troops are not supposed to be running around killing innocent people.


I'm getting tired of hearing about all these "decorated" former service people. Hell, I could be called "decorated" even though I never saw a day of combat! This guy has the lowest levels of awards, two purple hearts that he got for two minor lascerations (one on his cheek and one over an eye) and a bronze star which is a gimme for officers.

What makes me even madder is this crap is still going on, creating a new flock of these morons. My boss just got out of the Army Reserve, and most of his unit went to Iraq. Most of the senior officers and several NCOs received bronze stars while they were there... for doing their job. Another guy, an E-5, was at a police station when it came under attack and used an M-2 heavy machine gun to keep the insurgents at bay for close to four hours until relief troops were able to get through the town and flank the bad guys. This same NCO was later KIA. He was written up for the bronze star and it was downgraded to some Army Meritorious Medal for his actions at the police station due to a lack of supporting documentation.... yet the "Medal Club" guys have no problems getting their awards since they're all writing each other up.


Larry Gude said:
Our troops are not supposed to be running around killing innocent people.

I really couldn't care less if they did. I can understand their frustration. Those people in those houses watched as the insurgents placed their IED into position, watched as they ran the control wires, and watched as they slid off to await the next convoy coming by. Then sat there and waited for the fireworks.

Is it bad that these bystanders got killed? Yeah, but the fact that they were around to get themselves killed is the problem. Back in the good old days of WWII these folks would have hiked their butts out of the combat zone long before this incident occurred.

Rather than blame these Marines I think the Administration should be blamed for fighting another war in the Vietnam style.
Bruzilla said:
I'm getting tired of hearing about all these "decorated" former service people. Hell, I could be called "decorated" even though I never saw a day of combat! This guy has the lowest levels of awards, two purple hearts that he got for two minor lascerations (one on his cheek and one over an eye) and a bronze star which is a gimme for officers.

Sounds a little like John Kerry, eh?


It's more than Murtha and Kerry. In the military decorations are vital to moving up the ladder, and it's way too easy for people in the right positions to write each other up for medals they don't deserve.

I just wish that either people would be honest about their awards, or if reporters would place reports of valor in context. For example, if you're going to hail a guy for getting two purple hearts I would like to know what he was doing when he got them. Was he out leading a patrol and got shot up, or was he a REMF who cut himself diving for cover because he heard a boom in the distance?

I'm also getting tired of having former military people being placed on a pedestal. I know everybody who's ever worn a uniform knows folks who truly deserve the title hero, or valiant, or outstanding... and we also know a lot scumbags, deadbeats, charlatans, and miscreants who sucked up, back-stabbed, and ass-kissed their way up the chain - just like in any other organization. Just because someone wore a uniform doesn't make them a leader or military expert anymore than being the head weenie of human resources at Ford makes you an expert on building cars.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
As I said...

Bruzilla said:
I really couldn't care less if they did. I can understand their frustration. Those people in those houses watched as the insurgents placed their IED into position, watched as they ran the control wires, and watched as they slid off to await the next convoy coming by. Then sat there and waited for the fireworks.

Is it bad that these bystanders got killed? Yeah, but the fact that they were around to get themselves killed is the problem. Back in the good old days of WWII these folks would have hiked their butts out of the combat zone long before this incident occurred.

Rather than blame these Marines I think the Administration should be blamed for fighting another war in the Vietnam style.

...this is under investigation. We will see. The allegation is that they went in, deliberatly, and executed these people.

You're fine with that? I'm not. Who and what Murtha is or is not is irrelevent to whether or not US troops are commiting murder and executing people.

If these people were killed in a military action while engaged with an enemy, fine.

Viet Nam was restriced large scale warfare against an armed enemy in the field resulting in the death of some 55,000 US troops.

Iraq has LONG been over in terms of large scale warfare with combat deaths still under 2,000 some three years later.

There's not much comparison between the two nor is this WWII.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
My whole problem with this guy is his attitude. I don't mind people in Congress or civilians protesting the war as is thier right to do so. Even Kerry changing his mind. We have that perrogotive. This guy is calling soldiers murderers without even checking what they did. Investigate it sure, we should, but hold your name calling until you find out the truth.