Can we hold back time?


Ubi bene ibi patria
Every time a new “miracle” cream launches, you can’t help but wonder if it might work.....

The bottom line is, if you’ve spent half your life sunbathing, smoking and drinking, no cream will turn back the skin clock. If, on the other hand, you have the first signs of aging – lines, pigmentation, dull skin – but you don’t live too debauched a lifestyle, creams can help. That said, they must contain active ingredients in therapeutic doses, and you must use them for months to see results.


Well-Known Member
It's sad that society equates beauty with youth.
There are different stages of beauty as we age.
Silver hair and lines around your eyes when you smile - are beautiful.

Grow old and be happy with who you are... because there is nothing that will make you look 20 when you are 50. Plus, why would you want that?