Can we talk Lyme again?


Does anyone have an experience with doctors besides Dr Nasr?

I have been seeing another PCP. We talked about the symptoms that I have been having (weakness, fatigue, muscle aches and joint pain). She seems to have the opinion that diagnosing chrinic Lyms is too hard. She believes that the blood test available are too vague and don't provide the correct or enough information for her to treat.

I have been tested for RA, that is negative. I will be going for an EMG of my arms next Monday for hand weakness.

Any suggestions?


Active Member
Lyme's Docs

These doctors are located in Montgomery County; however, it may be worthwhile to make the trip. They are recommended by a person I know who has suffered with Lymes Disease. The doctors are very good and are knowledgeable about the disease.

These doctors do not take insurance; you would have to file yourself if you are allowed out of network: Dr. Norton Fishman, Dr. Alooz

This doctor does accept insurance: Dr. Daniel Jaller

I hope you feel better soon.


Jam out with ur clam out
I love Dr. Nasr :shrug:

He has been the ONLY Dr. that I have been to that didnt rely on test results.... (but he did rely on test results to rule things out)


New Member
Does anyone have an experience with doctors besides Dr Nasr?

I have been seeing another PCP. We talked about the symptoms that I have been having (weakness, fatigue, muscle aches and joint pain). She seems to have the opinion that diagnosing chrinic Lyms is too hard. She believes that the blood test available are too vague and don't provide the correct or enough information for her to treat.

I have been tested for RA, that is negative. I will be going for an EMG of my arms next Monday for hand weakness.

Any suggestions?

All true. Lyme looks like a lot of other things, blood tests aren't accurate, the CDC guidelines are decades old and a ton of other things. Get to a LLD and see the difference! Look for bartonella and babesiosis as well.


Jam out with ur clam out
All true. Lyme looks like a lot of other things, blood tests aren't accurate, the CDC guidelines are decades old and a ton of other things. Get to a LLD and see the difference! Look for bartonella and babesiosis as well.

you got that right!!!! had that one also :dead: along with Lyme, RMSF.... and got know what else there could be lurking to show its nasty self!!!

Its been a LONG ROAD but I have come a long ways thanks to my DR!!! Still have some hurdles to get over ... BUT i trust him and have learned to LISTEN to him!!! :killingme


New Member
I'll say it again. The best way to get a Lyme Test to work is to be on Doxy for a week and then run a blood test. It'll wake those buggers up and make them show up.



I think the fact that I have already been treated once makes doctors hesitant to test or treat again.

Very frustrated! If this is what is causing my symptoms, I don't want to want until there is irreversible damage.


New Member
All true. Lyme looks like a lot of other things, blood tests aren't accurate, the CDC guidelines are decades old and a ton of other things. Get to a LLD and see the difference! Look for bartonella and babesiosis as well.

abc, what is an LLD? Asking because my husband has had both Lyme and Rocky Mtn Tick Fever years ago. He is having some problems now and we are looking for someone who can tell us if these problems are related in any way.


Active Member
Great Lyme Doctor - Warren Levin

2 references for Dr. Levin.

Home - Dr. Warren M Levin, Alternative Integrative Holistic Medicine in DC, VA, MD

Dr. Warren Levin M.D.

I am currently being treated for Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Epstein Barr Virus.

My treatment is more difficult because I was previously treated for Lyme with a month's worth of antibiotics (Rocephin IV antibiotic and Doxycycline).

I just started a third antibiotic. I am taking Azithromycin, Doxycycline AND Tinidazole; along with Sporanox, 3 different probiotics, and many enzymes and vitamins.

Dr. Levin does not participate in health networks and does not accept insurance but does provide you with the forms to submit to your insurance carrier.

Before Dr. Levin, I was seeing several Shah specialists, and though I received good care, I couldn't convince anyone to look beyond the specific symptoms that their expertise addressed, which is where my solution turned out to be.


Active Member
abc, what is an LLD? Asking because my husband has had both Lyme and Rocky Mtn Tick Fever years ago. He is having some problems now and we are looking for someone who can tell us if these problems are related in any way.

LLD is a Lyme-Literate Doctor

They are related. Here's a helpful website:

I hope you are able to find someone to help you and please do not wait too much longer to seek treatment.


Active Member
Does anyone have an experience with doctors besides Dr Nasr?

I have been seeing another PCP. We talked about the symptoms that I have been having (weakness, fatigue, muscle aches and joint pain). She seems to have the opinion that diagnosing chrinic Lyms is too hard. She believes that the blood test available are too vague and don't provide the correct or enough information for her to treat.

I have been tested for RA, that is negative. I will be going for an EMG of my arms next Monday for hand weakness.

Any suggestions?

See if they would consider using IGeneX, Inc for blood tests.


Jam out with ur clam out
I'll say it again. The best way to get a Lyme Test to work is to be on Doxy for a week and then run a blood test. It'll wake those buggers up and make them show up.


mine never did... even after a year on doxy and other meds.... :cds:

A friend of mine in Colorado has been battling Lyme for 3 years. He's finally Lyme free, but it was a long, painful journey. I hope you find the right doctor and treatment soon. Don't get discouraged; keep fighting.

A bit of good news - Lyme Disease is getting more attention. NatCapLyme | Governor McDonnell Ceremonially Signs the Lyme Disease Testing Information Disclosure Act of 2013 | Press Releases

never will be Lyme Free.... sypmtom free yes.... never Lyme Free

:yay: glad he is feeling better.