Cancer Support Groups


mama to two
I'll be fine..... just a relapse I think.... I have some tests scheduled.... I'll be fine.....

Put me on the prayer lists again....


Will do. I never took you off the list. Please let me know how the tests go, and how you are doing. Many hugs. :huggy:


New Member
Will do. I never took you off the list. Please let me know how the tests go, and how you are doing. Many hugs. :huggy:

Will do.... thanks...

I started a [URL=""]facebook page for anyone in CRE who wants to use it.

Only reason I say "for anyone in CRE" is because it's easier for people to help if it's local.... but anyone can join.... I'm not being territorial...


Active Member

Will do.... thanks...

I started a [URL=""]facebook page
for anyone in CRE who wants to use it.

Only reason I say "for anyone in CRE" is because it's easier for people to help if it's local.... but anyone can join.... I'm not being territorial...
I'm thinking about you Hotcoffee, and will put another prayer in my prayer jar for you. When I had cancer, I went through a group with our local Health Department. You can also contact Calvert Memorial Hospital. Well wishes, and hugs to you.


New Member
Thanks to all for the prayers.... I'll let you know how it goes.... Prayer is the key to this...

One of the good things about a Cancer Support Group is the ability to talk about it....



Active Member
I found it helpful to talk to someone that has had cancer. They know the stages you go through emotionally, and they know better than anyone, just what you are going through. The longest stage I went through was the "Why me" stage, then the anger set in. coupled with fear. Just know you are not alone in this, and we all hope for the best of news for you. Waiting for results is a bite in the butt. The prayer is in the jar for you!!


New Member
I found it helpful to talk to someone that has had cancer. They know the stages you go through emotionally, and they know better than anyone, just what you are going through. The longest stage I went through was the "Why me" stage, then the anger set in. coupled with fear. Just know you are not alone in this, and we all hope for the best of news for you. Waiting for results is a bite in the butt. The prayer is in the jar for you!!

I'm so happy so many people were praying for me.... the results are all good.

It's so scary when the tests are all ahead of you.... the CEA is higher than it should be.... and you have a pain....

But in my case.... I'll bet the oncologist will tell me to come back in a few months. We'll see....

Thanks again



Well-Known Member
The longest stage I went through was the "Why me" stage, then the anger set in. coupled with fear. Waiting for results is a bite in the butt.

That^ I just experienced fear, though and kept it hidden.


New Member
That^ I just experienced fear, though and kept it hidden.

I don't seem to be able to keep anything hidden. I'm thankful there are forums now.

Talking about it helps.

Sometimes, though, it's hard to talk to those we love about the fear because they're afraid too. We don't want to make it harder on them.

Right now the CRE Cancer Support page is just getting started. Actually, I'm the only one really talking.... so it's full of my spiritual look at it.... but I'm sure when or if others get involved it could become a pretty good place to go. I'm posting the link here..... please feel free to join even if you don't live in CRE.

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New Member
I don't know how far you are from California, but I noticed that the Gateau medically oriented gym and physical therapy place is offering a yoga class once a week from April 8-June 10th for people who are dealing with Cancer and Chronic illness (hypertension, diabetes, etc) and is being taught by a certified yoga cancer therapist.

It says to call 301-866-5444 for more info. I saw it in the parks and rec spring guide

I hope all goes well with your tests