Candidates from a Right to Keep and Bear Arms point of view


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bob Ehrlich/Kristen Cox for Govenor/Lt. Govenor - Ehrlich has not done alot for Right to Keep and Bear Arms (RKBA), but is far, far better than Martin O'Malley/Anthony G. Brown who would like everyone to turn all their guns in to the state.

Anne McCarthy for Comptroller- she is much more conservative, to say the least, than her opponent. IF Ehrlich loses, we will need Anne to offset the two rabid anti-gunners who would sit on the Board of Public Works with her.

Scott Rolle for Attorney General - though he has been in lockstep with the Bush/Cheney admin. on constitutional/legal issues, we do know his opponent is not above grandstanding against pro-gunners on gun control issues.

Michael Steele for U.S. Senate - endorsed by the NRA, has written pro-RKBA articles in the past (published in the Journal and other outlets).


2ndAmendment said:
Bob Ehrlich/Kristen Cox for Govenor/Lt. Govenor - Ehrlich has not done alot for Right to Keep and Bear Arms (RKBA), but is far, far better than Martin O'Malley/Anthony G. Brown who would like everyone to turn all their guns in to the state.
They pull this sh!t off someday and I'm moving.