Canseco's Accusations...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
In todays Post, Tom Boswell lets loose the most sanctimonious, self righteous piece I've ever read from him and he's a writer whom I almost always love his work.

Basically, he just denounces Cansecos self serving, selfish and untrustworthy nature, essentially dismissing Joses claims of knowing and naming steriod users in the game on the basis of Jose's charcter. Snitches usually are pretty low characters. Snitches also quite often speak the truth for their beer money.

Make no mistake, Jose ain't no paragon of virtue but Boswell is walking out into a blizzard and trying to tell the reader to not believe it is snowing on the basis of the weather report coming from Canseco,'s snowing.

Baseball was all messed up in what, 1994? So steriods were OK. Home runs went up, attendence came back and we had hero's to capture the national interest; McGuire, Canseco, Bonds, Sosa, Palmiero, Anderson and so on.

Anderson? Yes, Brady Anderson. Remember when he came out of nowhere, hit 50 and went back to nowhere? The guy had hair growing on his teeth that season.

Mickey Mantle fell apart from booze. McGuire fell apart from weightlifing injuries. Probably not national security concerns, either one, but don't try to tell me Sosa and Bonds and McGuire and all these other Atlas's look like they do and hit it so far so often because they take their vitamins and work that much harder than Pete Rose or Hank Aaron or Jackie Robinson.

Or Cal Ripken if you'd like a modern comparison. No one worked harder than he, ever, but he aged, lost a step and lost some pop because that's what happens...unless you do something rather drastic about it.

There is no, ZERO, doubt that some of the bigger names in the game, sluggers, were and/or are juicing up with steriods. The players turned a blind eye, as did the union, as did the trainers, as did the coaches, as did the writers, as did the player personel people as did the owners. The fans didn't turn a blind eye. They rushed back with eyes wide open and mind nailed shut.

Fans came back to watch the freak show and now the piper is coming to get his due and everyone, including writers, want to minimize the sin.

I'm an ex-fan from that strike year and I'll never go back because what I fell in love with is GONE. Baseball to me was Bellanger, Rich Dauer, The Crow, Ken Singleton, Rick Dempsey, Boog and the Martinez's. Move the runner over. Play smart and maybe pick up a 3 run homer late. From your big guys. Not from EVERYONE.

Not a stud in the bunch. Good pitching and .250 hitters with great gloves who knew the game.

So go ahead Tom, tells us Jose is a liar so you all can go back to watching the WWF with sticks. Shoot the messenger and pretend you don't know him. Allow the Union to introduce their pathetic little anti steriod plan and tells us it is getting better.

You all collectively wrought Jose and now your hands feel dirty.

They should.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Larry Gude said:
I'm an ex-fan from that strike year and I'll never go back because what I fell in love with is GONE. Baseball to me was Bellanger, Rich Dauer, The Crow, Ken Singleton, Rick Dempsey, Boog and the Martinez's. Move the runner over. Play smart and maybe pick up a 3 run homer late. From your big guys. Not from EVERYONE.

Not a stud in the bunch. Good pitching and .250 hitters with great gloves who knew the game.

:yeahthat: Except my heros were Dave Concepcion, Jose Rijo, Buddy Bell, Rose, Zane Smith, Eckersly, Tony Perez, Lee Smith, Andre Dawson, Ryne Sandberg...

I wrote a paper in high school about the strike

Still, I can't say I disagree with everything in that article. I don't doubt that Canseco is out to make a quick buck and will bring anyone down with him that he can. McGwire, for starters, has not business in the book. Even though he was "juicing up", by his own admission he was doing it on Creatine and other legal performance enhancers. You can't fault players for using legal supplements to enhance performance. It's no different than the players of the seventies and eighties who began using weight-lifting to improve their physique. Prior to that, it was a rarity.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You can't fault players for using legal supplements to enhance performance.

...yes I can. I don't believe for one second that the only thing Mark McGuire was doing was a nose spray. This didn't happen in the 50's or 60's or 70's or even 80's. This happened in the 90's and they knew damn well what they were doing: Trading personal health and longevity for short term rewards.

That is NOT what all the guys you and I held in high regard did. They were ball players, not chemistry majors and cheats.


New Member
My concern is with what this does to young athletes, especially high school ones. Steriod use is something that we should be investigating highly on the high school level as well...It is still beyond me why there are not steriod tests for high school athletes.


New Member
:shrug: There WERE steroid tests at MY school. Only for a handful of sports though. Until now, Baseball was one of those "natural" sports where steroid use was almost unheard of, or thought of.

Wrestling, football...yea, we had testing.

As for these latest accusations, dunno. It didn't surprise me at all. To me it was more of an uncovering of the obvious than it was an earth shattering discovery. For what MLB did to Pete Rose, denial to the hall of fame, these guys should have any records made, revoked, and inductance to the Hall of fame denied. Permanently. Speaking of Sosa, Macguire and the rest. Creatine my azz...that was only what was detected.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

It is still beyond me why there are not steriod tests for high school athletes.

I like the easy ones.



Besides, a test that would work today would take something like two or more years to get standardized and another 2 plus to get it administered and up and running in a school district. By then, it would only catch the dummies.

They can't even catch them when they really try, like in the Olympics.

Pony, it's likely that McGuire and all the andro/creatine brigades figured that the nose spray business would give them some cover over what they were really up to.

I think at the end of the day, this will all take care of itself. 20 years from now we will have the first generation of early steroid abusers (1970's)reaching old age and we'll see how their health is. They're 50 or so now and we're really not hearing massive horror stories. Look at Arnold. If they are happy and healthy at 70 and 80, well, is there a big deal?

If heart failure is the leading cause of death in old people and the heart is a muscle, then, in a very real way, todays sports chemistry majors are advancing medicine for all of us.

What if you can start doing 'roids at 60 and feel 40 again because your heart gets strengthened?

Just a thought.


Palmeiro doesn't need steroids, VIAGRA works for him... :killingme