Can't miss...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...OK sportsfans, here it is, the bet the farm, stone cold lock of the year.

The Skins are 1-0 when I am in attendence. I will be there Sunday. Plus, I'm taking my nephew to his first game. They will not let us down!

It's in the bag!


New Member
Well, Larry, I hope that you and the boy enjoy the game. The weather should be warm at least.

The Vikings need a win to secure a playoff spot though.

Ya could sell those tickets and drive to Philly to see a good game. I'll put a good word in for ya. I'll make sure the fans are nice to ya this time. We're all tight like that.

:lol: j/k Larry. Enjoy the game.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The Eagles game is meaningless...

...and the Vikes needing to win and getting drilled by the Skins will be a good first step towards next year!


Nothing to see here
Washington Redskins wide receiver Rod Gardner had his SUV stolen early yesterday when he handed the keys over to someone impersonating a valet outside a District nightclub, according to law enforcement officials.

Gardner denied any knowledge of the incident when asked about it before practice at Redskins Park, but law enforcement sources said Gardner filed a report with them. rest of the story(WP,need an ID)

Curious incident, he denies it, but police confirm it. I get the feeling that Gardner's last game with the skins is this weekend. Gibbs doesn't like distractions and, with Gardner spotty performance this year, I think he may be traded. He was involved earlier this year in the party where Sean Taylor got his DUI. Of course, I could be all wet in my opinion..

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I thought...

when he handed the keys over to someone impersonating a valet outside a District nightclub were gonna say; "Gardner, who had just dropped the keys, was still bent over when he handed the keys away, did not see the thiefs face...'

Gibbs doesn't mind distractions...if you're getting the job done. Remember Riggo's 5 o'clock Club? He'd take Buges innocent little lambs down to some shed after practice and hammer beers most days.

I think you're right about Rod. And McCants to.

Samuals is the one I'm curious about. He's gotta restructure to stay. And Smoot, rightly, wants market price.

In all my Gibbs euphoria I did ignore one huge hole in Joe's resume; he ain't the best at picking players. He's a coach. Remember that kid from Hawaii, first round, #1, a WR? Never played a down. That was a Gibbs pick.

And, of course, Brunnel. And Portis proved that it's the system, specifically Denver's. He's not a bust but I think Betts would have had the same kind of year, or better.

Oh, the lure of Dan's check book...


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said: were gonna say; "Gardner, who had just dropped the keys, was still bent over when he handed the keys away, did not see the thiefs face...'

Gibbs doesn't mind distractions...if you're getting the job done. Remember Riggo's 5 o'clock Club? He'd take Buges innocent little lambs down to some shed after practice and hammer beers most days.

Agreed, but the distractions he put up with from Riggo/Dexter/others were because they performed at a high level.

I think you're right about Rod. And McCants to.
Rod dropped way too many balls earlier in the season(hasn't been too bad lately), I would not miss him. I wonder about McCants, have seen so little of him this year. Maybe its a lack of brain power which has kept him off the fieldl this year.

Samuals is the one I'm curious about. He's gotta restructure to stay. And Smoot, rightly, wants market price.
I think they will both get done somehow.

In all my Gibbs euphoria I did ignore one huge hole in Joe's resume; he ain't the best at picking players. He's a coach. Remember that kid from Hawaii, first round, #1, a WR? Never played a down. That was a Gibbs pick.
Can you say Desmond Howard?? Hopefully they will do their homework and draft/trade for impact players on offense.

And, of course, Brunnel. And Portis proved that it's the system, specifically Denver's. He's not a bust but I think Betts would have had the same kind of year, or better. ..

Totally agree with that, Betts is a better fit for Gibbs offense and cheaper. Doubt that there's any cap relief by getting rid of Portis, tho.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...crime is that he, apparently, knows he was Ramsey's touchdown target last year and acted a bit too cockey during practices. Also, it seems he ain't doing what they want on special teams and you gotta be somebody (Coles) before you don't have to play teams BUT you gotta get a chance before you can be somebody.

Gibbs tried to work a few plays for Darnarian when things started heading south but he, Joe, has played it SO tight, a play here or there and then claim he tried. Hell, give the kid one game like Coles against the Eagles, just feed him and see how he reacts.

There's been so many little things that have driven me mad this year and yet, you go game by game and there I am with my 'Gibbs will get us the play here and there' we need.

We coulda been a contendah.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
There's been so many little things that have driven me mad this year and yet, you go game by game and there I am with my 'Gibbs will get us the play here and there' we need.

We coulda been a contendah.

Wonder when the last time a team with a defense ranked in the top 2 hasn't made the playoffs?? Possibly Baltimore, I guess, but I can't think of any teams other than them.

So close and I'm still on the koolade. With the skins record this year, the schedule should favor them next year. A few wins, some confidence, momentum and its on the superbowl in 2006. :yay: Then Gibbs becomes GM, Williams head coach and :blahblah: :lmao:

<img src="">


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
...OK sportsfans, here it is, the bet the farm, stone cold lock of the year.

The Skins are 1-0 when I am in attendence. I will be there Sunday. Plus, I'm taking my nephew to his first game. They will not let us down!

It's in the bag!
:yay: You let your freak flag fly, and it paid off!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Note to Dan Snyder:

Dear Dan,

I'll not be calling anyone younger than myself 'sir' or 'Mr' anytime in the foreseeable future. Now, on to more important matters, winning football games.

As we all know there is a special thing about pro sports that transcends coaching and talent; I speak of 'chemistry'. Simply put, I, by attending games, provide that crucial missing ingredient. To wit, the NY football Giants and MinneSODA Vikings can attest to my powers.

We live in a world that celebrated pet rocks, chia pets and rubix cubes and now consume fake reality shows like they are Doritios and we're all stoned, so, let us not too readily dismiss the inate powers of my claim. We win when I am there, therefore I am.

We have the highest player payroll, the highest paid coaching staff and the highest paid head coach. We, logically, should have the highest paid talisman. As far as faith and return on investment, take Mark Brunnel, please. I am cheap insurance by comparison...and I work.

I am the real deal, the missing link, the 'aura'.

I shall require 12 season passes (and no, I don't do pre-season) that allow me and my posse to sit where I feel the need and the 'force' is most needed. This can and must be anywhere in the stadium save the nosebleeds. I don't do binoculars either.

In any event, I await my tickets and remember (2 purple parking passes as well), the team you help is as much mine as yours and I stand ready and able to do my part.

Hail, Victory,
