Can't wear Peyton Manning jerseys to school


Lawful neutral
Bronco fans told they can't wear Peyton Manning jerseys to school | Fox News

Ahead of Sunday’s big game between the Denver Broncos and Pittsburgh Steelers, some students in Greeley, Colo., are upset over an anti-gang policy that prohibits them from wearing Peyton Manning’s No. 18 jersey.

“They told me I couldn’t wear 18 anymore because it’s a gang number and I had to take it off,” said Konnor Vanatta during an interview with FOX31 Denver on Tuesday.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Just saw that. Go ahead, keep on giving in to the thugs insteading of standing up for what is right.

Where's Dirty Harry when you need him?


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
Some anti-gang dress code policies are almost as stupid as zero tolerance policies.