Capitals Chris Clark loses teeth never stops playing


All Up In Your Grill
Hey Mainman-I bet you didn't even notice this did ya? Yeeeouch...

Washington Capitals captain Chris Clark had not lost a tooth in 373 NHL games, an accomplishment for any hockey player, more impressive for one who spends the majority of his time battling in the corners. But Clark's good fortune ran out in the waning seconds of Wednesday's game against Boston, when an errant puck knocked out two of his front teeth and crushed his palate bone. Clark immediately raised his glove to his mouth. But play didn't stop, so neither did he.

Two of his top teeth are gone. Braces hold three others in place. His palate, meantime, was repaired with the aid of cadaver bone and a screw, inserted during three hours of surgery Thursday morning.


Well-Known Member
nachomama said:
Hey Mainman-I bet you didn't even notice this did ya? Yeeeouch...

Washington Capitals captain Chris Clark had not lost a tooth in 373 NHL games, an accomplishment for any hockey player, more impressive for one who spends the majority of his time battling in the corners. But Clark's good fortune ran out in the waning seconds of Wednesday's game against Boston, when an errant puck knocked out two of his front teeth and crushed his palate bone. Clark immediately raised his glove to his mouth. But play didn't stop, so neither did he.

Two of his top teeth are gone. Braces hold three others in place. His palate, meantime, was repaired with the aid of cadaver bone and a screw, inserted during three hours of surgery Thursday morning.

Holy thats what I call dedication.....that guy must have been a Marine before playing Hockey!


mv = margaritaville
See now who doesn't love hockey!! If a football player had done that, he would have been on the ground crying.


I know nothing
I have been playing hockey since I was a kid. Nothing close to NHL but I have seen my fair share of teeth getting knocked out. Took my buddy to the hospital after our game one night, to get his mouth looked at before making a dentist appointment.

Ive never had my teeth knocked out..... (knock on wood) but I Know it hurts.

the problem with the NHL is a lot of players embelish injuries to draw penalties. a stick up to the face and down they go, gloves off, kicking and screaming. You could barly touch them, and boom down they go. Thats why they have "diving penalties" to keep over embelishing from happening.

All hockey players are physically tough, and can take all kinds of punishment and pain. Only real hockey players will play through that pain.

Getting a puck to the face is the worst. He's lucky it hit him in the teeth, and not in the eye or throat. Ive seen a lot of career end injuries from pucks to the face. Shattered jaws, broken eye sockets.....


Well-Known Member
LordStanley said:
Getting a puck to the face is the worst. ....

I'll second that. Played goalie four years in high school BEFORE they had face cages.(My wife says it explains a lot:shrug: )


All Up In Your Grill
LordStanley said:
I have been playing hockey since I was a kid. Nothing close to NHL but I have seen my fair share of teeth getting knocked out. Took my buddy to the hospital after our game one night, to get his mouth looked at before making a dentist appointment.

Ive never had my teeth knocked out..... (knock on wood) but I Know it hurts.

the problem with the NHL is a lot of players embelish injuries to draw penalties. a stick up to the face and down they go, gloves off, kicking and screaming. You could barly touch them, and boom down they go. Thats why they have "diving penalties" to keep over embelishing from happening.

All hockey players are physically tough, and can take all kinds of punishment and pain. Only real hockey players will play through that pain.

Getting a puck to the face is the worst. He's lucky it hit him in the teeth, and not in the eye or throat. Ive seen a lot of career end injuries from pucks to the face. Shattered jaws, broken eye sockets.....

Funny you say this about hockey players, as you know, I coach cheerleaders, and I've seen all these injuries in my years coaching, teeth knocked out, stitches, broken bones, shattered noses and a fractured eye socket. The cutest thing was seeing those girls all dolled up for homecoming with black eyes and bruises all over their arms. :killingme


I know nothing
nachomama said:
Funny you say this about hockey players, as you know, I coach cheerleaders, and I've seen all these injuries in my years coaching, teeth knocked out, stitches, broken bones, shattered noses and a fractured eye socket. The cutest thing was seeing those girls all dolled up for homecoming with black eyes and bruises all over their arms. :killingme

thats the difference between doing something because of pure dedication for yourself and your team. Not all professional atheletes are like that, to them its all about a paycheck....


All Up In Your Grill
LordStanley said:
thats the difference between doing something because of pure dedication for yourself and your team. Not all professional atheletes are like that, to them its all about a paycheck....

Amen baby! That shows a lot of character in an athlete to keep going and not let the team down. I give Chris props. I had a girl who broke both bones in her forearm in the middle of a competition and never stopped. I knew she had gotten hurt, but it was only when she came off the mat and said "Man, my arm really hurts" and I see it shaped like a "U" that I realized how bad. It was gross.


I bowl overhand
mv_princess said:
See now who doesn't love hockey!! If a quarterback had done that, he would have been on the ground crying.
The linesman in the NFL are probably the toughest athletes out there (and I have a tough time referring to a 350 lb man as an athlete).. but broken hands, bloody and broken noses.. They keep on playing. One reason being they need the paycheck, they don't score the multimillion dollar contracts like the prima-donna's and if they bow out and let someone else in to do it, they could easily lose their job, but I can see htem spitting out teeth at the opposing lineman, looking him square in the eye, and saying.. "Come on, lets do it again!"