Caps update - 3/16/09

Sweet 16

Oh snap! Greenie is questionable tonight due to the flu. Federov is still recovering and won't play again tonight. On the upside, Pothier will likely play if Green doesn't. I just hope he doesn't overdo it in his first game in 14 months.

Let's go Caps!! :yahoo:


Well-Known Member
Well its almost the end of the first period, and the Caps aren't looking too good tonight, really missing Green and Federov. Heck who's going to be next with the flu, its going through the team recently.
Playing down to a lesser team again.


Well-Known Member
Theodore stinking up the place, worse then a bad septic tank tonight bring on the Russian, Varlamov let him start tomorrow night, he's our future.
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Well-Known Member
Better find somebody that can stop the puck real quick.

Thats the truth, there aren't too many games left, I'd like to see Varlamov between the pipes tonight, need to get him some playing time between now and the end of the season, maybe he can become the hot goalie in the playoffs, like the ones the Caps always seem to end up playing against when they are in the playoffs.

Theodore will not take us to the finals, he's just not that good.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Thats the truth, there aren't too many games left, I'd like to see Varlamov between the pipes tonight, need to get him some playing time between now and the end of the season, maybe he can become the hot goalie in the playoffs, like the ones the Caps always seem to end up playing against when they are in the playoffs.

Theodore will not take us to the finals, he's just not that good.
Most coaching staffs won't throw a young goalie between the pipes in the playoffs. Last time Varlamov played he did not look very comfortable. I think it was him it might have been the other young goalie the Caps have.
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Well-Known Member
Most coaching staffs won't throw a young goalie between the pipes in the playoffs. Last time Varlamov played he did not look very comfortable. I think it was him it might have been the other young goalie the Caps have.

It was the other goalie Nervirth who had that really bad game. Varlamov was 2-0 when he went back to Hershey.

Sweet 16

It was the other goalie Nervirth who had that really bad game. Varlamov was 2-0 when he went back to Hershey.


Neuvirth also found out at the last minute he would be in net which would make any rookie nervous as h-e-double-hockey-sticks. I would like to see Varly get some playing time, just in case we need him.


Well-Known Member

Neuvirth also found out at the last minute he would be in net which would make any rookie nervous as h-e-double-hockey-sticks. I would like to see Varly get some playing time, just in case we need him.

Thats right Neuvirth found out when he got to the ring that evening, that Theodore had that damn flu bug that everyone seems to be getting on the Caps and had to start. Hope Green is feeling better they missed him last night, Federov also.


Well-Known Member
Our future goalie looked good last night, Varlamov had a good game.
Havent heard this morning but it looks like Caps have lost Green to injury, looked pretty bad, like a shoulder or arm, he hurt a shoulder earlier and was out for a extended time, Caps cant afford that at this time of the season.


Nothing to see here
Lots of comments over the past month about Ovie's celebrating when he scores..Up until last night, I had no problem with his celebrating..but he crossed the line last night, hope he goes back to just jumping into the glass as he has done.


Well-Known Member
Lots of comments over the past month about Ovie's celebrating when he scores..Up until last night, I had no problem with his celebrating..but he crossed the line last night, hope he goes back to just jumping into the glass as he has done.

I missed the first period, but did see it on a replay, I thought what the h*ll was that. Im not supportive of him doing things like that, maybe coach needs to get involved, and tell him to cool those kind of celebrations. Its just going to piss the other team off and they will come after him with their headhunters, he is to great of a player to be doing those kind of things, we certainly dont need him to get the reputation in hockey for his celebrations like TO has in football.


My Sweetest Boy
Lots of comments over the past month about Ovie's celebrating when he scores..Up until last night, I had no problem with his celebrating..but he crossed the line last night, hope he goes back to just jumping into the glass as he has done.

It was supposed to be a team thing (or a bunch of them anyway), not that that makes it any better, and they hung him out to dry. :lol:

His stick was ""


Man of Tomorrow
Gabby was none too pleased with Alex last night in talking with reporters. I really wouldn't be surprised if he reigns in #8 a little after that display.


I'm thinking Ovie probably did that nice celebration to further piss off Don Cherry about his ridiculous comments he made about Ovie's celebrations. When of course the NHLs poster boy (Cindy Crosby) does some of the same celebrations Ovie does, as well as Malkin and the likes of other players. But for Don Cherry to call out Ovie the way he did; last night's celebration was a slap in that man's face. He thought his other celebrations were bad, this one was truly a "celebration." EAT IT DON CHERRY!!!