Captain of Staten Island ferry wants the city to pay his legal fees


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'

NEW YORK (AP) -- The captain of a Staten Island ferry that killed 11 people in October wants the city to pay $250,000 for his legal fees. ...

What do you think of this?
The guy did have a constitutional right not to self-incriminate, i.e. not talking to investigators without legal representation present. And his employer should defend their employees if they are involved in litigation over their employment. It's just good business.

I haven't been following the story. Was he found guilty? Did they ever find out what happened to him?

Should the city pay him his legal costs?

If I signed a flight clearance and the plane crashed, and I got sued, I hope the DoD would provide me with a lawyer in court, so that I would be allowed to make my case.
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