Captain relieved of command for deragotory LGBT comment


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
He should have known better.

Unfortunately for Yamamoto, a sailor on the bridge heard the Captain refer to the Greenpeace activists as “hippy ******s” after the sinking, and immediately reported it to the ship’s Equal Opportunity Advisor. The report led to a full investigation by the Navy, and he was fired soon after.

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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member is a Satirical non-news sites!

Doesn't matter if it is a spoof or not. It is a reflection of the times that one cannot say what they believe due to PC. Any satire on any topic stems from real situations that have already occurred. And yes, Greenpeace activists are nothing but hippy homosexuals that have not left the 60's (I won't use the f word, or the g word).


If I was gay I would take offense being associated with hippies too.


mama to two
This link is closer to truth than not at this point.!KNba7

All is so corrupt at this point that corruptness is corrupting. The 'government' cannot let anything/anyone go until they have cleansed them from their corruptness; one way or another. It is all very disgusting. Did I mention corrupt? At this point, it is pretty darn non-uncorruptible. And, to think, back in the day, they used to go after the Mafia. Now, all are brothers. Hahahahaha! Not funny.