Car Crash by Coster Road


The hamster litter reject
Last night at a little before ten I was driving home from work on Route 2/4. The South Bound lane passing by Coster Road in Lusby, MD was shut down because of an accident. Rubber-necking a bit, I looked over to discover a body on the side of the road covered with a white sheet. Does anyone know what happened and if there was more than one fatality? Was I just seeing things? In a small town like this I really worry if it was someone I know :(


hamsterfang said:
Last night at a little before ten I was driving home from work on Route 2/4. The South Bound lane passing by Coster Road in Lusby, MD was shut down because of an . Rubber-necking a bit, I looked over to discover a body on the side of the road covered with a white sheet. Does anyone know what happened and if there was more than one ity? Was I just seeing things? In a small town like this I really worry if it was someone I know :(
i was in the area but i didn't see anything.......but you can prolly guarentee in a small town like this that you are right


New Member
We were also caught in this heading towards Solomons but it must have been after you. I do not know what happened but my gut told me it was a fatality. We had dropped my daughter off at a friends house in White Sands maybe two hours before this and a motorcycle went flying by us doing over 100 miles an hour. We wondered if maybe it was the same guy since he almost ran into us. A cop came up behind us five min. after this jerk went by so I was not sure if he was laying low and then went back out again. I ran on a volunteer fire department for years and it kills me when I see accidents.


That is so freaky to drive by and to know that there is a dead body lying over at an accident scene, but at least they covered the dead body up.

I went to Hammerjacks one night and actually Dems boyfriend was in the car. I was driving and we were all laughing and giggling, then we saw flashing lights ahead and traffic slowly going by. When we went by, we saw a 1/2 of a body out of the car and on the hood. :mad: The entire car got silent, then, now Dems boyfriend, said "did you all see a body on the hood of that car or was that my imagination." We just couldn't believe they didn't cover it up. :ohwell: It was a horrible sight.


Well-Known Member
Calvert Crash
Two motorcylists wreck on Rt. flown from the scene near Coster Road, possibly a fatal wreck


well 1 was killed he was ejected from his motorcycle and ran over by a car. I heard this on the scanner. They shut down 4 in the area to do reconstruction and get witness statements etc it was pretty bad from what i heard

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
How sad. :frown: I lived down Coster Road for 20 years. The intersection has always been bad, but it's gotten worse even WITH the addition of a half light and making it so you can't go straight across the intersection. There are so many more people in too much of a hurry all the time.


The hamster litter reject
I personally feel that the new light catches many people by surprise. On a long, boring road like Route 2/4, people often tend to drift into their own little worlds, and going from road-road-road-road- LIGHT can be deadly. I think that there should be a flashing sign like they have before Ball Road that says something to the extent of preparing to stop for a red light up ahead.

Josimmon, it seems as if you might be right about the man in the motorcyclist that passed you :( There has been a great deal of horrible accidents in Southern Maryland lately, many that most likely could have been prevented.

Drive safe and don't trust that others will always be paying attention! The day after this accident I almost got broadsided by some idiot speeding South Bound on Route 4.


New Member
I have been trying to find info on the accident but have not found any details. I guess I feel bad because when he went flying by us, I called him a name and said "Gee, let’s see how long it takes him to die, just hope he doesn't kill someone else." Now I feel guilty that a few hours later a motorcycle crashes...

I went through the safety class for my motorcycle license years ago. I want a bike but it boggles my mind when you see people playing Russian Rulet on one. They can be dangerous without going like a bullet. I have noticed So MD has a high fatality rate on car accidents. Very sad.
I read something about it in the Recorder on Wednesday. I believe it was a female motorcyclist from somewhere from the DC area. I've already recycled my newspaper from the other day, so I can't confirm it.


New Member
I'm a little late but I also saw it. I was returning from the St. Mary's county fair. I saw a motorcycle and also the person w/ the sheet over them. The 3 kids in the car w/ me were a little disturbed by it.

But...the 5 year old did say something cute he said "poor guy, we should say the pledge of allegeance" I think he meant a prayer but it really broke the dreary mood in our car when he said it.


New Member
A little late....

hamsterfang said:
Last night at a little before ten I was driving home from work on Route 2/4. The South Bound lane passing by Coster Road in Lusby, MD was shut down because of an accident. Rubber-necking a bit, I looked over to discover a body on the side of the road covered with a white sheet. Does anyone know what happened and if there was more than one fatality? Was I just seeing things? In a small town like this I really worry if it was someone I know :(

I was surfing the 'net looking for some property in Calvert County when I came across this posting. Yeah, I know it was a long time ago, but it caught my eye and I felt compelled to respond. It was my daughter that had the accident. By the road being milled, she lost control of her bike when she entered the grassy median after coming around the curve where she was ejected from the motorcycle, and run over by a car, but she was on it by herself. There were no other injuries.

Her name was JeanVette Nichole' Carter. She was 21 and in her last semester at UM College Park, majoring in Kenesiology (The study of motion). I was (and still am) very proud of her, though I miss her terribly at times. It's been a rough two years, but we're making it as best as possible.

To coin Paul Harvey's words, "And now you know the rest of the story."
ElCee18 said:
I was surfing the 'net looking for some property in Calvert County when I came across this posting. Yeah, I know it was a long time ago, but it caught my eye and I felt compelled to respond. It was my daughter that had the accident. By the road being milled, she lost control of her bike when she entered the grassy median after coming around the curve where she was ejected from the motorcycle, and run over by a car, but she was on it by herself. There were no other injuries.

Her name was JeanVette Nichole' Carter. She was 21 and in her last semester at UM College Park, majoring in Kenesiology (The study of motion). I was (and still am) very proud of her, though I miss her terribly at times. It's been a rough two years, but we're making it as best as possible.

To coin Paul Harvey's words, "And now you know the rest of the story."

I'm so sorry for your loss. May you eventually find peace.


NOT Politically Correct!!
ElCee18 said:
I was surfing the 'net looking for some property in Calvert County when I came across this posting. Yeah, I know it was a long time ago, but it caught my eye and I felt compelled to respond. It was my daughter that had the accident. By the road being milled, she lost control of her bike when she entered the grassy median after coming around the curve where she was ejected from the motorcycle, and run over by a car, but she was on it by herself. There were no other injuries.

Her name was JeanVette Nichole' Carter. She was 21 and in her last semester at UM College Park, majoring in Kenesiology (The study of motion). I was (and still am) very proud of her, though I miss her terribly at times. It's been a rough two years, but we're making it as best as possible.

To coin Paul Harvey's words, "And now you know the rest of the story."

Sorry for your loss; if my daughter even thinks about getting a motorcycle, I'll kill her myself... :coffee:


New Member
I'm so sorry to read that this happened...I know it was a couple of years ago. But I hadn't seen anything about it before now.

Sucks to hear of people so young loosing their lives and then to see that she was a motorcyclist makes it worse.

I sincerely hope that you are able to find peace soon. There are many avid motorcyclists on this board, and a few have kids that ride. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's just not natural for a parent to have to bury their child.


New Member
Tried that... didn't work. Her father is an avid rider who has not been down encouraged her to ride. She went through all of the classes and was being safe... Ah well. Love them while you can.


The hamster litter reject
ElCee18 said:
I was surfing the 'net looking for some property in Calvert County when I came across this posting. Yeah, I know it was a long time ago, but it caught my eye and I felt compelled to respond. It was my daughter that had the accident. By the road being milled, she lost control of her bike when she entered the grassy median after coming around the curve where she was ejected from the motorcycle, and run over by a car, but she was on it by herself. There were no other injuries.

Her name was JeanVette Nichole' Carter. She was 21 and in her last semester at UM College Park, majoring in Kenesiology (The study of motion). I was (and still am) very proud of her, though I miss her terribly at times. It's been a rough two years, but we're making it as best as possible.

To coin Paul Harvey's words, "And now you know the rest of the story."

I rarely post on this board anymore, but I log on every so often in an attempt to keep on local events. When I first saw my name as the poster of this topic I was a little confused, but then I remembered this post from awhile ago. I'm sorry to hear that it was your daughter who was involved in the accident.

Check your PMs.


New Member
a friend

I am sorry for your lost. My name is Blaine and I was one of Jeanvette's Friends in High school. I am in the US Navy and have been overseas for some time now. So I am just now finding out. I do understand what you are going through I to have lost loved one's this includes Jeanvette. and to god be the glory that you should remember that he is there even when we think he is not. I know he has comforted you and your Family in you time of need and I am so sorry that I could not have been there for one of the best Friends I have ever had. I do not know much else to say but that I am sorry that I have not kept in touch I know you Problably do not remember me but I just want you to know that you and your Family are and will alway be in my prayers. Just remember stay with god and all will come out right.

Blaine Caracter


Bcaracter said:
I am sorry for your lost. My name is Blaine and I was one of Jeanvette's Friends in High school. I am in the US Navy and have been overseas for some time now. So I am just now finding out. I do understand what you are going through I to have lost loved one's this includes Jeanvette. and to god be the glory that you should remember that he is there even when we think he is not. I know he has comforted you and your Family in you time of need and I am so sorry that I could not have been there for one of the best Friends I have ever had. I do not know much else to say but that I am sorry that I have not kept in touch I know you Problably do not remember me but I just want you to know that you and your Family are and will alway be in my prayers. Just remember stay with god and all will come out right.

Blaine Caracter

Your comments to the family are kind. Also, thank you for your service to our country.