Car Seats in Southern Maryland


New Member
There will be a free Child Safety Seat Check on Saturday, September 25th between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. It will be at the Prince Frederick Volunteer Fire Department, which is located on the northbound side of Md. Route 2/4, at 450 Solomons Island Road. Child Passenger Safety Seat technicians from the Calvert County Sheriff's Office and Maryland State Police and other agencies will be present to work with parents on the correct installation of their car seats.

If you have questions, you can contact Debbie Jennings at 410 535-2200 at the Calvert County Traffic Safety Council , or Jessica Jones of the Sheriff's Office at 410 535-2800.


Good thing to do for parents with children. Older children who can no longer fit in a car seat should be seat belted in, although many may not want to. Especially those with certain challanges, which may make this effort more difficult. I sit on the County Highway Safety Committee and I know Debbie in Calvert. I was a police officer for 5 years and I was an Accident Reconstruction Specialist. I have responded to accidents were children were involved. So, I know of the importance and have seen the difference of whether kids are, or are not belted in. Any Sheriff's Office or State Police will assist with this effort by contacting your local police. They will be more than happy to help. The last thing these officers need to see is a baby severely hurt in a car accident or worse, dead because he or she was not properly placed in a car seat. And I don't need to tell you these officers have seen some "horrific" accidents were small children and or babies have been involved. Many of these police officers have children themselves and know of the importance and the challanges involved being sure kids are properly secured in a vehicle. As a parent, your child counts on you to protect he or she from all hazards of life, whether it is at home or in car. Good luck!