carb counting


New Member
You know - I also just got a Splenda recipe book that has loads of low-carb recipes in it! I made a low carb cheesecake using cottage cheese a few weeks ago and it was damn good!

Callie girl

New Member
You know - I also just got a Splenda recipe book that has loads of low-carb recipes in it! I made a low carb cheesecake using cottage cheese a few weeks ago and it was damn good!

Try making a pineapple upside down cake with splenda and applesauce :drool:
Not as good as the regular one but satisfied me.


New Member
not sure I'm allowed to use splenda, but #'ll definitely be looking into that!

What diet are you doing? Atkins recommends Splenda! I can't even use real sugar anymore - I can only use splenda! It's the equivalent to Sweet & Low or Equal - just tastes MUCH better!


Well-Known Member
What diet are you doing? Atkins recommends Splenda! I can't even use real sugar anymore - I can only use splenda! It's the equivalent to Sweet & Low or Equal - just tastes MUCH better!

not really a diet, it's gestational diabetes. i know saccharin is out bu most other artificial sweeteners are ok.


Well-Known Member
since I know some of the people who posted here have diabetes, I have a question.

can taking cold medicine (even sugar free) and/or being dehydrated from a cold mess up your glucose numbers?


Lem Putt
since I know some of the people who posted here have diabetes, I have a question.

can taking cold medicine (even sugar free) and/or being dehydrated from a cold mess up your glucose numbers?

I'm not diabetic, but my wife is. She also had GD.

Anything can mess up the numbers. She was told not to worry about anomalies other than to understand what may have caused it. She's more concerned with trends and A1C results.


Well-Known Member
thanks, that helps. I've been getting really weird numbers the last few days but I've also been taking robutussin. just wanted to make sure. I'm really worried about having to take insulin (I HATE needles!)


professional daydreamer
Atkins Egg Nog

1 Atkins Vanilla Shake
1/4 C Heavy Whipping Cream
2 eggs
2 Tbsp Splenda

blend on high, serve.

I use . It is a calorie counter but gives the grams of fat/carbs/fiber/etc. Also, as a recommendation, there is a new sweetener called "Truvia" that is made from the natural stevia plant that does not impact your blood sugar (great for diabetics as even splenda has a glycemic index of 70). Be careful with the low-carb diets. I did it for years and it really effected my kidneys and made my hair fall out. (I was tiny though). I wish you the best of luck! You can also just google: Low carb recipe. :eek:) Hope this helped.


Having Fun!
First of all, I am not a doctor, I just like to read a lot & used the following information for weight loss about 6 years ago.

If you are counting carbs because of gestational diabetes, the Zone diet information may help you. That plan is based on balancing carbs, protein & fat to get your body running at optimum speed (for want of better terminology). The main idea is to balance everything at about a 40-30-30 ratio -- 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat, eaten at specific times during the day so you never go more than about 3 or 4 hours without fueling up (except for when you're sleeping). It is pretty much based on the glycemic index (tells you how fast the carb turns to glucose in your system). Carbs that are more complax and take longer to break down in your body are better for you as they deliver a longer, slower fuel burn, which is what you want. Glucose spikes are bad for you! Anyway, there are lots of recsources out there on the web if you google "Zone diet" and "Dr. Barry Sears", the creator. Here are a couple that explain it and one that has recipes.

Zoneperfect nutrition

glycemic index

Zone recipes

BTW - lost about 30 pounds & felt fantastic. Ate more food than I ever did while I was eating this way so you won't starve. Check it out with your doctor before doing anything like this, especially when pregnant. you're doing it to eat right & adjust body's insulin, not lose weight so I don't know what calorie count you're aiming for, just read labels!

Best of luck to you & the baby!