I have a couple with 2 babies nesting in a neglected flower pot, overgrown with mondo grass, on my deck. Even though I've been on the deck most of the day, they have been brave, and bringing food to babies.
This is good, because I hate spiders. I know quite a bit about parrots, but nothing about wrens. I'd like to supplement their diet, if possible. Want to make sure they're healthy and I'll see them next year, and maybe their brood, too. Do you know if they will eat crickets or meal worms? I can get those at the pet store.Enjoy them. Carolina Wrens are one of my favorite birds...love their call. They make one messy nest; I had a pair build a nest in one of my outbuildings; they built it on a shelf. The nest encased a weedeater handle and was almost 9" across. They come back every year and build a new nest in the same area.
By the way-they LOVE spideys-some good eatin'.