Maryland Senate Committee to Consider Castle Doctrine Next Week!
Please Contact the Judicial Proceedings Committee Today!
Next Thursday, March 7, the Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will hold a public hearing on SB 518, sponsored by State Senator Nancy Jacobs (R-34). The bill, which has strong bipartisan support from 14 co-sponsors, makes much-needed reforms to Maryland's self-defense laws.
The proposed reforms of Maryland's self-defense laws would accomplish three things:
- The bill would establish, in law, the presumption that a criminal who unlawfully enters or intrudes into your home or occupied vehicle is there to cause death or great bodily harm, and you may therefore use any manner of force, including deadly force, against that person.
- The bill would state in law that you have no duty to retreat if you are attacked in a place where you have a right to be present, if you are not the original aggressor, and if you are not engaged in criminal activity.
- The bill would protect persons using force authorized by law from lawsuits filed by injured criminal attackers or their families.
The members of the Judicial Proceedings Committee need to hear from you.
Please contact the Committee members and voice your support for SB 518. Respectfully urge the Committee members that self-defense is a fundamental American right, and law-abiding citizens should be able to exercise that right without the fear of criminal prosecution.
Be sure to tell them that in the past two years, 16 other states have passed this critical legislation, and that Maryland should do so as well.
The contact phone number and members of the Senate Judicial Proceeding Committee are listed below!
Committee phone number:
(410) 841-3623 Annapolis/Balitmore area or (301) 858-3623 Washington, D.C. area.
Committee Members:
Brian Frosh (D-16) Chair
Lisa Gladden (D-41), Vice-Chair
Jim Brochin (D-42)
Jennie Forehand (D-17)
Larry Haines (R-5)
Nancy Jacobs (R-34)
Alexander Mooney (R-3)
C. Anthony Muse (D-26)
Jamie Raskin (D-20)
Bryan Simonaire (R-31)
Norman Stone, Jr. (D-6)
Please make this important phone call today!
I just want to add to that that police don't have any obligation whatsoever to protect you in the US (See warren vs. District of Columbia) and it comes down to the average John Doe to protect him and his family against violent criminals. Right now in the state of Maryland if you were to defend yourself against a violent attacker there is a very good chance that you may serve more time in jail than your attacker and you can be held liable in a civil lawsuit for injuries/death that you caused to him when he attacked you for DEFENDING YOURSELF! Right now, in Maryland, you cannot legally defend yourself against an attacker.
If this bill was signed into law, it would put an end to the constant coddling of criminals and bowing down to criminal acts in this state. Support this bill and give back the right to defend yourself LEGALLY in the state of Maryland!
Please Contact the Judicial Proceedings Committee Today!
Next Thursday, March 7, the Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will hold a public hearing on SB 518, sponsored by State Senator Nancy Jacobs (R-34). The bill, which has strong bipartisan support from 14 co-sponsors, makes much-needed reforms to Maryland's self-defense laws.
The proposed reforms of Maryland's self-defense laws would accomplish three things:
- The bill would establish, in law, the presumption that a criminal who unlawfully enters or intrudes into your home or occupied vehicle is there to cause death or great bodily harm, and you may therefore use any manner of force, including deadly force, against that person.
- The bill would state in law that you have no duty to retreat if you are attacked in a place where you have a right to be present, if you are not the original aggressor, and if you are not engaged in criminal activity.
- The bill would protect persons using force authorized by law from lawsuits filed by injured criminal attackers or their families.
The members of the Judicial Proceedings Committee need to hear from you.
Please contact the Committee members and voice your support for SB 518. Respectfully urge the Committee members that self-defense is a fundamental American right, and law-abiding citizens should be able to exercise that right without the fear of criminal prosecution.
Be sure to tell them that in the past two years, 16 other states have passed this critical legislation, and that Maryland should do so as well.
The contact phone number and members of the Senate Judicial Proceeding Committee are listed below!
Committee phone number:
(410) 841-3623 Annapolis/Balitmore area or (301) 858-3623 Washington, D.C. area.
Committee Members:
Brian Frosh (D-16) Chair
Lisa Gladden (D-41), Vice-Chair
Jim Brochin (D-42)
Jennie Forehand (D-17)
Larry Haines (R-5)
Nancy Jacobs (R-34)
Alexander Mooney (R-3)
C. Anthony Muse (D-26)
Jamie Raskin (D-20)
Bryan Simonaire (R-31)
Norman Stone, Jr. (D-6)
Please make this important phone call today!
I just want to add to that that police don't have any obligation whatsoever to protect you in the US (See warren vs. District of Columbia) and it comes down to the average John Doe to protect him and his family against violent criminals. Right now in the state of Maryland if you were to defend yourself against a violent attacker there is a very good chance that you may serve more time in jail than your attacker and you can be held liable in a civil lawsuit for injuries/death that you caused to him when he attacked you for DEFENDING YOURSELF! Right now, in Maryland, you cannot legally defend yourself against an attacker.
If this bill was signed into law, it would put an end to the constant coddling of criminals and bowing down to criminal acts in this state. Support this bill and give back the right to defend yourself LEGALLY in the state of Maryland!