Castro resigns


New Member
:faint:I'm shocked-no one posted about this! - Fidel Castro Resigns Cuban Presidency After Half-Century in Power - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

Castro temporarily ceded his powers to his brother on July 31, 2006, when he announced that he had undergone intestinal surgery. Since then, the elder Castro has not been seen in public, appearing only sporadically in official photographs and videotapes and publishing dense essays about mostly international themes as his younger brother has consolidated his rule.:eyebrow:


Well-Known Member
:faint:I'm shocked-no one posted about this! - Fidel Castro Resigns Cuban Presidency After Half-Century in Power - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

Castro temporarily ceded his powers to his brother on July 31, 2006, when he announced that he had undergone intestinal surgery. Since then, the elder Castro has not been seen in public, appearing only sporadically in official photographs and videotapes and publishing dense essays about mostly international themes as his younger brother has consolidated his rule.:eyebrow:
Let's hope this can lead to a democratic Cuba, and a new resort area for Americans!


Well-Known Member
411 for all the youngsters

NAME: Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz.

TITLES: President of Council of State and Council of Ministers, first secretary of Communist Party of Cuba, commander in chief of Cuba's Revolutionary Armed Forces. Before announcing he was ill and ceding power to his brother Raul on July 31, 2006, was world's longest-ruling head of government, and leader of one of world's last few communist states. He officially resigned as president on Feb. 19, 2008.

BIRTHDATE: Officially listed as Aug. 13, 1926, in Cuba's Oriente province, although some say he was born year later.

EDUCATION: Attended Roman Catholic schools and University of Havana, where he earned law and social science degrees.

BEFORE THE REVOLUTION: Launched his revolutionary fight with July 26, 1953, attack on military barracks in eastern city of Santiago. He was arrested, then freed under amnesty. Traveled to Mexico to form rebel army, and returned to Cuba with followers aboard small yacht. Most were killed or captured, but Castro and small group escaped into eastern mountains to establish stronghold and seized power when dictator Fulgencio Batista fled New Year's Day 1959.

AFTER THE REVOLUTION: Emerged as head of new government and quickly gained nearly absolute power. All American businesses eventually expropriated and Cuba was declared socialist state in April 1961, on eve of disastrous U.S.-backed Bay of Pigs invasion by Cuban exiles. United States cut all trade with Cuba as island allied with Soviet Union, leading to October 1962 missile crisis that brought world to brink of nuclear war. For three decades, Cuba was Soviet ally and remained alienated from United States after communism collapsed in eastern Europe.

FAMILY: Married Mirta Diaz-Balart in 1948; son, Fidel Felix Castro Diaz-Balart, born in 1949; divorced in 1955. Although Castro never confirmed remarrying, reportedly wed former schoolteacher Dalia Soto del Valle and had five sons. Also reportedly had several other children out of wedlock.

QUOTE: "Homeland or death! Socialism or death! We shall overcome!"


And at 76 years of age.....his brother may not be in office too long himself!

We can always HillBillary to take over if he goes kaput. They all have a lot in common, and she won't even have to socalize heath care!


This is a huge story. I'm surprised the media ignored it this morning so they could :blahblah: about Obama's "plaigarism."

Ignored it?

I toggled between CNNHN and Fox.

There was a single mention of the so-called "plagiarism" on HN, there was a few things about steroids in baseball... the rest was All Fidel, All The Time.

And weather.


New Member
Ignored it?

I toggled between CNNHN and Fox.

There was a single mention of the so-called "plagiarism" on HN, there was a few things about steroids in baseball... the rest was All Fidel, All The Time.

And weather.
I was watching CNN (regular), FOX and MSNBC. I kept swapping between the three and all they were talking about was Obama, Shrillary, plagiarism and the Wisconsion Primaries.

FOX mentioned Castro at the top of the hour for a few minutes, and CNN had a little bit of coverage but the politics coverage heavily outweighed the Castro coverage on both. MSNBC only briefly mentioned Castro's resignation with a 30 second report from Mika Brzezinski. They said they'd have more from Andrea Mitchell, but they spoke to Chris Matthews and Tim Russert instead.


I kept swapping between the three and all they were talking about was Obama, Shrillary, plagiarism and the Wisconsion Primaries.

You know what would add some nice heat to this plagiarism story?

If Obama called Hillary a "Petty conniving b*tch".

I would TOTALLY vote for him if he did that.


Main Streeter
:faint:I'm shocked-no one posted about this! - Fidel Castro Resigns Cuban Presidency After Half-Century in Power - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

Castro temporarily ceded his powers to his brother on July 31, 2006, when he announced that he had undergone intestinal surgery. Since then, the elder Castro has not been seen in public, appearing only sporadically in official photographs and videotapes and publishing dense essays about mostly international themes as his younger brother has consolidated his rule.:eyebrow:
A dictator resigning? That's a first. Ussually, they either die or are overthrown.