New Member
So last summer these two feral cats showed up at my house. One is male older very frail with one eye and the other one female is a young big girl. They both have cropped ears which means they have been spayed and neutered. Anyways during these cold last few months I decided to get a litter box and bring them in. Well the first litter box I ordered from Amazon was not big enough so I ended up at True Value and got a mortar pan. I have tried Tidy cat multi-cat, Fresh step clay litter and Fresh step clumping litter. The older cat does tinkle a lot, but nothing seems to clump like I thought it was going to. I have to use a paint scraper to get the stuff out of the litter box every 4 or 5 days. And yes I do scoop it out everyday but It's like glue in there. Anybody have any recommendations for multi-cat litter? These two are now warm and happy but I'm on a very fixed SS income and spending way to much on litter. Do you think it's the texture of the mortar pan. Any suggestions?