jenbengen said:
Kitty just turned 6 months old and we were told by the vet that this is the time to spay her. So what's the deal with the whole thing. I have no idea. Does this hurt her afterwards, is there a recovery time? I just want to plan accordingly. Thanks in advance!
OH! One more question. I'm a bad momma- forgot to bring kitty in for her booster shot. Will she need the series all over again or is there even a time limit?
TIA for the help!!
Does not hurt, kitty recovers nicely afterwards. Recovery time one day..the day of surgery.
She can not eat or drink anything after midnight, then she goes to the vet, is admitted, placed in a nice cage, is given a pre-op shot to make her sleepy, then she is placed on the operating table, a tube is placed into her lungs, that is hooked up to a machine that delivers oxygen and gas..
she goes to sleep.
Vet washed her belly, shaves it, makes and incision, removes her reproductive organs, stictches her back up, turns off gas, removes tube, places her back in cage to wake up.
She wakes up, recovers form gas, looks very drunk....
Then that evening you go back to the vet, pick her up, take her home where she may sleep the rest of the evening.
Next day she is a bit tender and 10 days the stitches either are removed or they disolve.
After 2 days she is back to normal....
No big deal..we spay female cats at 2 pounds..10 weeks old..and they do great!!!
If you have questions, ask your vet or Google "Cat Spay" and read more.
Thanks for getting her spayed.
Oh shots, ask your vet.