Catchers Glove???


New Member
I have a Catchers Glove that needs to be relace dose anyone know where I can go to get that done and how much it would cost me?

The glove was only $50 I am thinking about just throwing it away if it going to cost to much to get it relace.
My dog chewed the strings on it.. Damn Dog


New Member
cattitude said:
Mitt...catcher's mitt. :biggrin:

Did he pull out all the lacing? It's not that hard to relace.

Oops, OK it is called mitt. LOL Well Yeah the dog chewed all the lacing of the mitt. He did not get the Leather Thank god.


My Sweetest Boy
You can buy repair kits online, but I'll bet the sporting goods stores in the area have them as well. Not too expensive.