Catholic church backtracking on gay issue


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
That was quick.

the Vatican backtracked a bit Tuesday. In a statement, it said the report on gays and lesbians was a "working document," not the final word from Rome.The Vatican also said that it wanted to welcome gays and lesbians in the church, but not create "the impression of a positive evaluation" of same-sex relationships, or, for that matter, of unmarried couples who live together.
But gay rights groups say that's precisely the impression the Vatican gave Monday.

Not so fast


Well-Known Member

But no surprise. Just follow the money, and let the Africans get involved instead of excluded. This will be an enormous fight, and the survival of the rcc is at stake, one way or the other. This Pope is just another old white guy from Italy, but just hanging his hat on the fact that he was born in Argentina, so that makes him different.