Catholic church to consider welcoming gays & the divorced


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Francis is making the church quite progressive. Moving the church into the 21st century.

Using strikingly open language, a new Vatican report says the church should welcome and appreciate gays, and offers a solution for divorced and remarried Catholics who want to receive Communion.

Holy about face batman


New Member
Francis is making the church quite progressive. Moving the church into the 21st century.

That's what they said when the church moved toward English services. When I was growing up, my Catholic friends all had to learn the service in another language.



New Member
Its amazing how much they will "adapt" and will "accept" when the revenue stream is not flowing like it used to.

Although I think this is great progress for the CC.... I think it is derrived from nothing more than greed.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Its amazing how much they will "adapt" and will "accept" when the revenue stream is not flowing like it used to.

Although I think this is great progress for the CC.... I think it is derrived from nothing more than greed.

That is the simple answer. However, there is also a case to be made that in appealing to the market place as it is, if you take the benign view, some religion, however diluted, is better than no religion.


New Member
That is the simple answer. However, there is also a case to be made that in appealing to the market place as it is, if you take the benign view, some religion, however diluted, is better than no religion.

I understand where you are coming from Larry and I agree in part to your points however... If history has shown us anything it is that Religion does not compromise. Especially the Catholic religion.

Now... what do you think is more the reason for this great comprimise? The fact that they believe the LGBT and gay married community should have "some" religion.... OR...... that they are missing out on these lapsed catholic's contributions to the donation box?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I understand where you are coming from Larry and I agree in part to your points however... If history has shown us anything it is that Religion does not compromise. Especially the Catholic religion.

Now... what do you think is more the reason for this great comprimise? The fact that they believe the LGBT and gay married community should have "some" religion.... OR...... that they are missing out on these lapsed catholic's contributions to the donation box?

Yet history DOES show it compromises. When it has to.

And I tried to be clear; the optimist side says 'better some than none' and I have zero doubt there will be people of good will and faith who look at it that way.

And I have no doubt there is a bottom line (dollars, not hell) component of this, for sure and that cynics will have their say.

Is there an issue where this is not the case?


Soul Probe
Its amazing how much they will "adapt" and will "accept" when the revenue stream is not flowing like it used to.

Although I think this is great progress for the CC.... I think it is derrived from nothing more than greed.

If that were the case they would have accepted homosexuals a long time ago. I seriously doubt any monetary contributions by the homosexual community will make much difference in the "coffers" anyway. Has the thought crossed your mind that the motivation might not be a sinister one?


New Member
If that were the case they would have accepted homosexuals a long time ago. I seriously doubt any monetary contributions by the homosexual community will make much difference in the "coffers" anyway. Has the thought crossed your mind that the motivation might not be a sinister one?

Actually... if there are no "sinister" intentions then... the first half of your statement would apply. Wouldn't this have been done a long time ago? All I am saying is that after centuries of denial and decades of non-acceptance..... why the sudden deviation from the "clear, printed, and undisputable word of God?"

Just seems to be rather convenient that it happens to be during tough times for the CC as far as funding is concerned. Also, the CC has been having people leaving at an alarming rate.


New Member
And I have no doubt there is a bottom line (dollars, not hell) component of this, for sure and that cynics will have their say.

I don't think this is a cynical thought process at all. In fact, I believe it is more truth than people wish to accept. The word of God may be the primary driving force behind the Catholic Church but....

Passing the collection plate is a very, very close second!


Soul Probe
Actually... if there are no "sinister" intentions then... the first half of your statement would apply. Wouldn't this have been done a long time ago? All I am saying is that after centuries of denial and decades of non-acceptance..... why the sudden deviation from the "clear, printed, and undisputable word of God?"

Just seems to be rather convenient that it happens to be during tough times for the CC as far as funding is concerned. Also, the CC has been having people leaving at an alarming rate.

Funding has been a concern for decades, that's nothing new. Although the doctrine itself has not changed (there is no deviation as you claim), the changing practical attitudes towards the homosexual community is to right what has previously been wrong (and which could have been considered as sinister). The Church has always accepted adulterers, alcoholics, wife abusers, and other persons of assorted sins without ever accepting the sin itself, so why not the homosexuals? The only convenience is that we now have a more progressive pope who isn't afraid to step on traditionalist toes to make it happen.

Seriously, if the Church just wanted more money, then it would approve of abortion. The coffer would really fill up then. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Where are the catholics on this? I just want to see where the most pontificating individuals stand. Onel? Radiant 1? Libby? Don't be.....errrr......Speak up!


New Member
I cannot improve on what R1 has said. The doctrine that marriage is a sacrament between one man and one woman will not change. If it does, I will be the first one out the door because my entire foundation will have collapsed. That said, the sin against chastity that active homosexuals commit is no more grave that the sin 99.9% of everyone else commits as a heterosexual. I get tired of the harping on the gay community when the heterosexual community started deviating from the-way-things-ought-to-be first.
The Catholic Church understands that people of today do not have the same mindset towards sex and marriage that used to be. There are more annulments because most people enter into marriage without understanding the first thing about what the Sacrament of Marriage really is.
Gay people have a cross to bear just as the rest of do. We all struggle with chastity, in and outside of marriage. If you understand the CC teaching, it isn't easier to be chaste just because you are married.
I'm getting off topic.


Well-Known Member
I cannot improve on what R1 has said. The doctrine that marriage is a sacrament between one man and one woman will not change. If it does, I will be the first one out the door because my entire foundation will have collapsed. That said, the sin against chastity that active homosexuals commit is no more grave that the sin 99.9% of everyone else commits as a heterosexual. I get tired of the harping on the gay community when the heterosexual community started deviating from the-way-things-ought-to-be first.
The Catholic Church understands that people of today do not have the same mindset towards sex and marriage that used to be. There are more annulments because most people enter into marriage without understanding the first thing about what the Sacrament of Marriage really is.
Gay people have a cross to bear just as the rest of do. We all struggle with chastity, in and outside of marriage. If you understand the CC teaching, it isn't easier to be chaste just because you are married.
I'm getting off topic.

You are not getting off topic. Just say "homosexual" instead of that three letter word that makes it sound so much nicer and acceptable to the world. That is the key.


Bead mumbler
I have not commented because truly, there is no change. I will wait until the end of the synod at week's end and read the documents. But so far, the only pontificating has been from media and haters of the RCC, like you B23.