Catholic Priest blames affectionate children for pedophilia


Well-Known Member
Yeah, right? If the catholic church would just open up the church to all homosexuals and allow them to continue in their chosen lifestyle, all will be rainbows, unicorns, and lollipops, right?:howdy:


Active Member

At first glance, that sounds truly horrific! But here is a little bit more...

"Unfortunately, there are children who seek out affection because they don't get any at home. And it can be that maybe they find some priests. And I understand this," he said.

This is likely VERY true. My guess is that most humans, especially children, will seek love and affection where there is a void.

What I don't see in the article is anything that connects this rational thought to the irrational one that children are to blame for the sexual abuse a priest inflicts upon them when they come to him as a leader, for their legitimate needs.