I wanna be a SMIB
Ive looked for the answers but cant find any and we all know how smart everyone in here is,
so Ill ask you all. I have two new kittys about 7 months old, Im sure its one of them because of all the cats Ive ever had, Ive never had this problem. What problem?, you ask. one of the two keeps catching and killing bats. Ive found 3 in the last 3 weeks. One was tucked away neatly in my shoe on Sat. morning. What a Joy! Ive lived in my house for 14 years and we have always had some bats around but in all the years, I dont think my cats have ever caught a bat. Everyone has a rabies shot except me. My question is, if a cat who is vaccinized kills a bat with rabies then bites me (however loving), can I then get rabies. And I do not know for sure bat has rabies, just assuming. I just cant believe they are catching all these bats. I kept the first one they caught and put it on ice. They arent eating them or even really chewing on them, it looks more like they play with them till theyre bored then leave them for mommy. I did find a story about a guy who woke up in the middle of the night to find his cat at the foot of the bed all proud while a bat crawled up the mans chest. That was enough to give me the hebby jeebys, And no, I WILL NOT lock them inside. They have a doggie door and they love playing in the yard.