CBS planned the explosives story for Election Eve


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member least, that's the front page of Drudge right now.

If this is true, there really can't be any doubt about their honesty anymore --- to INTENTIONALLY mislead the public about a cache of weapons found empty at the START OF THE WAR.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Bogart said:
It's okay, though - Bush is evil.
Well that's just it. I *expect* dirty tricks from the Democrats. I only heard this *morning* Terry McAuliffe going off on how the missing explosives demonstrates that Bush needs to go - even though he ought to know better. But that's his job.

*CBS*, however, is "supposed" to be impartial and objective. Now I like FOX, but I know they're conservative (even though THEY actually broke the Bush/drunk driver story). However, they don't PLAN stories in order to mislead.


Lobster Land
SamSpade said: least, that's the front page of Drudge right now.

If this is true, there really can't be any doubt about their honesty anymore --- to INTENTIONALLY mislead the public about a cache of weapons found empty at the START OF THE WAR.
Rush L. is going wild over this again today. Seems CBS turned it over to the N.Y. Times because it was to important to hold until Sunday.
I always thought the news entailed who, what, why, WHEN and where. Seems the when portion was just overlooked in this case.


Dancing Up A Storm
Wait a minute - this happened in Apr 2003.....

If I'm reading the correct article concerning this alleged loss of high explosive weaponry, our troops hadn't even arrived at the site these explosives were supposed to have taken from yet!

Up to now, I'd just seen headlines, hadn't perused any articles yet, but I assumed this was a recent event - not in 2003!


I don't know about anyone else, but I'm still waiting for the headline to come out this week:

Usama Bin Laden Captured

I'm thinking that the spin generated by both sides of the aisle will actually throw the earth's orbit out of whack.


Penn said:
Up to now, I'd just seen headlines, hadn't perused any articles yet, but I assumed this was a recent event - not in 2003!


Now think of all the millions of people who also assumed this - as everyone at CBS News sits smugly back in their leather chairs, wearing a shiteating grin and putting their hands behind their head and crossing their ankles on their desk.


New Member
SamSpade said: least, that's the front page of Drudge right now.

If this is true, there really can't be any doubt about their honesty anymore --- to INTENTIONALLY mislead the public about a cache of weapons found empty at the START OF THE WAR.

I sent a copy of the drudge report to the Baltimore Sun and WTOP. I asked for clarification on the accuracy of the report... :patriot:


New Member

They are investigating the issue... :clap:

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Dancing Up A Storm
Toxick said:

Now think of all the millions of people who also assumed this - as everyone at CBS News sits smugly back in their leather chairs, wearing a shiteating grin and putting their hands behind their head and crossing their ankles on their desk.
You know, it's been proven by what many of you fellow forum members have posted on here before; threads that exhibit just how down, dirty, immoral, gutless, disengenous, and without conscience the liberal left can be in order to win a presidential race.

But this even boggles the mind as no other I can recall in recent times

To take a news account that took place some 18 months ago, and serve it up as evidence that the Bush adminstration is incompetent in it's Iraqi security is preposterous!

Embeded NBC newsmen appear to attest to the fact that our troops weren't even at that site yet! The explosives seemed to have dissapeared prior to their arrival.
