CCBoE to change Board Meeting times...


New Member
North Point High School: In response to public opinion, the Board of Education has voted to adjust their meeting times so more parents can attend. Beginning on April 3rd, Board meetings will begin at 4:30 p.m. (instead of 1 p.m.) with recognition for students and employees. Public Forum will begin at 6:30 p.m. That is the time set aside for anyone to address the Board with concerns or comments. The agenda for each meeting is available a week in advance here at The Bay

The Board also voted to make a draft of the minutes from each meeting available to view before they’ve been formally adopted at the next month’s meeting. A draft of the minutes will be available both at the BoE website and in the announcements section of The Bay Net one week after each meeting. Each final version will be available at the BoE website after it’s been ratified by the Board at their next consecutive meeting.

The BoE hopes both these measures will make their work more open to public scrutiny and involvement.


New Member
I wish CCBOE could put the school zoning on their web site. We are house hunting and have to call every time we find one to see which schools. Most agents won't tell you because they change the zones when new ones are built. St. Mary's and Calvert both have theirs online. The lady who looks them up is very nice but it seems more efficient and easier for us to target the area we need.