Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) has a Spanish hotline for the community. CCPS encourages parents and students to use the hotline for questions about distance learning. Callers will reach a staff member who speaks Spanish. The hotline can accept calls, voicemail, and text messages. If callers receive a busy signal, they can leave their name, phone number, and a brief summary of their question or concern. A CCPS staff member will return the call.
The phone number for the Spanish hotline is 240-523-3032.
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Charles han abierto una línea telefónica directa en español para las familias de habla hispana de la comunidad de CCPS. Si tiene preguntas sobre el aprendizaje a distancia, utilice esta línea directa para hablar con alguien en español. La línea directa puede aceptar llamadas, mensajes de voz y de texto. Si la línea está ocupada, deje su nombre, número de teléfono y un breve resumen de su pregunta o inquietud para que el personal de CCPS le devuelva la llamada lo antes posible.
El número de teléfono de la línea directa en español es: 1-240-523-3032.
About CCPS
Charles County Public Schools provides 27,521 students in grades prekindergarten through 12 with an academically challenging education. Located in Southern Maryland, Charles County Public Schools has 37 schools that offer a technologically advanced, progressive and high quality education that builds character, equips for leadership and prepares students for life, careers and higher education.
The Charles County public school system does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability in its programs, activities or employment practices. For inquiries, please contact Kathy Kiessling, Title IX/ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (students) or Nikial Majors, Title IX/ADA/Section 504 coordinator (employees/ adults), at Charles County Public Schools, Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building, P.O. Box 2770, La Plata, MD 20646; 301-932-6610/301-870-3814. For special accommodations call 301-934-7230 or TDD 1-800-735-2258 two weeks prior to the event.
The phone number for the Spanish hotline is 240-523-3032.
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Charles han abierto una línea telefónica directa en español para las familias de habla hispana de la comunidad de CCPS. Si tiene preguntas sobre el aprendizaje a distancia, utilice esta línea directa para hablar con alguien en español. La línea directa puede aceptar llamadas, mensajes de voz y de texto. Si la línea está ocupada, deje su nombre, número de teléfono y un breve resumen de su pregunta o inquietud para que el personal de CCPS le devuelva la llamada lo antes posible.
El número de teléfono de la línea directa en español es: 1-240-523-3032.
About CCPS
Charles County Public Schools provides 27,521 students in grades prekindergarten through 12 with an academically challenging education. Located in Southern Maryland, Charles County Public Schools has 37 schools that offer a technologically advanced, progressive and high quality education that builds character, equips for leadership and prepares students for life, careers and higher education.
The Charles County public school system does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability in its programs, activities or employment practices. For inquiries, please contact Kathy Kiessling, Title IX/ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (students) or Nikial Majors, Title IX/ADA/Section 504 coordinator (employees/ adults), at Charles County Public Schools, Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building, P.O. Box 2770, La Plata, MD 20646; 301-932-6610/301-870-3814. For special accommodations call 301-934-7230 or TDD 1-800-735-2258 two weeks prior to the event.