One step forward, two steps back. ZeroHedge ran a story yesterday headlined, “CDC Now Recommends COVID Testing For All Domestic Air Travel, Including The Vaccinated.”
Haha, suckers! You actually believed that taking the jab would get you out of testing.
The story reports that the CDC quietly changed the guidance on its website yesterday, now recommending that people traveling within the US — not just internationally — get tested as close to departure as possible, and now, regardless of vaccine status. The prior guidance only suggested testing for disgusting unvaccinated people.
A little over a week ago on May 19th, a CDC agent told AFAR Magazine that “People who are up to date with their covid-19 vaccines may feel well and not have symptoms but still can be infected and spread the virus to others.” It only took a year for the CDC to admit that.
Anyway, the testing reccomendation not a mandate, not yet. I suspect such a mandate would be an unconstitutional restraint of freedom of movement.
Haha, suckers! You actually believed that taking the jab would get you out of testing.
The story reports that the CDC quietly changed the guidance on its website yesterday, now recommending that people traveling within the US — not just internationally — get tested as close to departure as possible, and now, regardless of vaccine status. The prior guidance only suggested testing for disgusting unvaccinated people.
A little over a week ago on May 19th, a CDC agent told AFAR Magazine that “People who are up to date with their covid-19 vaccines may feel well and not have symptoms but still can be infected and spread the virus to others.” It only took a year for the CDC to admit that.
Anyway, the testing reccomendation not a mandate, not yet. I suspect such a mandate would be an unconstitutional restraint of freedom of movement.
☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Wednesday, May 25, 2022 ☙ PROTOTYPES 🦠
UK hospitals to drop mask mandates; CDC wants to testing vaccinated people; Pfizer says its drug is a prototype; Wuhan and monkeypox; HIV and monkeypox; reinfections; and lots more...