CDC Suppressed Toxic Trailer Warnings


Ubi bene ibi patria
"CBS News has learned that the Centers for Disease Control, the nation's top public health agency, suppressed repeated warnings from one of its top scientists, raising questions about whether the CDC bowed to pressure from FEMA to conceal the long-term health risks of formaldehyde in the trailers it distributed to hurricane victims - health risks like cancer and birth defects, CBS News chief investigative correspondent Armen Keteyian reports." - CDC Suppressed Toxic Trailer Warnings


Well-Known Member
"CBS News has learned that the Centers for Disease Control, the nation's top public health agency, suppressed repeated warnings from one of its top scientists, raising questions about whether the CDC bowed to pressure from FEMA to conceal the long-term health risks of formaldehyde in the trailers it distributed to hurricane victims - health risks like cancer and birth defects, CBS News chief investigative correspondent Armen Keteyian reports." - CDC Suppressed Toxic Trailer Warnings
News Story said:
U.S. health officials are urging that Gulf Coast hurricane victims be moved out of their government-issued trailers as quickly as possible after tests found toxic levels of formaldehyde fumes.

Fumes from 519 trailer and mobile homes in Louisiana and Mississippi were — on average — about five times what people are exposed to in most modern homes, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency — which supplied the trailers — should move people out quickly, with priority given to families with children, elderly people or anyone with asthma or other chronic conditions, said Mike McGeehin, director of a CDC division that focuses on environmental hazards.

While there are no federal safety standard for formaldehyde fumes in homes, the levels found in the trailers are high enough to cause burning eyes and breathing problems for people who have asthma or sensitivity to air pollutants, McGeehin said.

CDC officials said the study did not prove people became sick from the fumes, but merely took a snapshot reading of fume levels. Only formaldehyde was tested, they added.

FEMA provided about 120,000 travel trailers to victims of the 2005 hurricanes Katrina and Rita. In 2006, some occupants began reporting headaches and nosebleeds.

By August, about 1,000 families in Louisiana asked FEMA to move them to other quarters. In November, lawyers for a group of hurricane victims asked a federal judge to order FEMA to test for hazardous fumes.
How long do you get to keep living in temporary lodging? How long ago was Katrina?? Why does FEMA (at our tax expense) provide ANY trailers for the past residents of New Orleans? Shouldn't they have moved on by now?


New Member
The Boondocks episode about Katrina was hilarious.


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NOT Politically Correct!!
How long do you get to keep living in temporary lodging? How long ago was Katrina?? Why does FEMA (at our tax expense) provide ANY trailers for the past residents of New Orleans? Shouldn't they have moved on by now?

The 3 weeks I spent with the Red Cross in Mississippi & Louisiana displayed a side of America to me of a place where people want to be treated like cattle. They didn't want to work or help our staff, they wanted the water placed in their hands, threw their garbage right on the floor with garbage cans every 10 feet. When unloading trucks and carrying supplies into the shelter the idiots were too stupid to move away from the doors and when they did move they basically side stepped, kept talking, and never once considered at least holding the door open for us since our hands were full.

When a contractor came to the shelter looking for people to work helping with debris clearing at $22.00 dollars an hour, most in the working able turned their back an were laughing and whispering to each other, why should I work, I'm getting paid to be right here. I have zero sympathy for career welfare recipients who are too stupid to help themselves. And I saw the trailers, sucks they are a health hazard now, but compared to the run down shacks and decrepit housing they were living in before, this is a step up.

My goodness Katrina victims want to sue the government over a natural disaster they knew were coming 5 days before.

Not only is the Mayor of New Orleans the biggest screw-up on how he managed his city before, during, and after, but the idiots re-elected him... :banghead:

This Katrina victim label is a wave everyone is going to try and ride the longest...:coffee:


Well-Known Member
The 3 weeks I spent with the Red Cross in Mississippi & Louisiana displayed a side of America to me of a place where people want to be treated like cattle. They didn't want to work or help our staff, they wanted the water placed in their hands, threw their garbage right on the floor with garbage cans every 10 feet. When unloading trucks and carrying supplies into the shelter the idiots were too stupid to move away from the doors and when they did move they basically side stepped, kept talking, and never once considered at least holding the door open for us since our hands were full.

When a contractor came to the shelter looking for people to work helping with debris clearing at $22.00 dollars an hour, most in the working able turned their back an were laughing and whispering to each other, why should I work, I'm getting paid to be right here. I have zero sympathy for career welfare recipients who are too stupid to help themselves. And I saw the trailers, sucks they are a health hazard now, but compared to the run down shacks and decrepit housing they were living in before, this is a step up.

My goodness Katrina victims want to sue the government over a natural disaster they knew were coming 5 days before.

Not only is the Mayor of New Orleans the biggest screw-up on how he managed his city before, during, and after, but the idiots re-elected him... :banghead:

This Katrina victim label is a wave everyone is going to try and ride the longest...:coffee:
I've heard similar stories from folks I work with that went there and volunteered to help out. I remember hearing a guy taped on the news complaining that he waited and waited and waited, and finally had to rescue himself. He was dumbfounded by that.