Cedar Point Beach


New Member
I just got the Pax MWR newsletter in email and it says the Cedar Point Beach is closed for the season... Anyone know why? Can we still sit on the beach but stay out of the water? How about the playground?


It is probably closed due to all the Jellyfish that are out there now. I don't know about sitting on the beach and the playground guess you need to email someone at MWR.


Well-Known Member
jp2854 said:
It is probably closed due to all the Jellyfish that are out there now. I don't know about sitting on the beach and the playground guess you need to email someone at MWR.
they 'close' it every year for jelly fish, you are still welcome to use the beach
beerlover said:
I just got the Pax MWR newsletter in email and it says the Cedar Point Beach is closed for the season... Anyone know why? Can we still sit on the beach but stay out of the water? How about the playground?
Just closed to swimming.


New Member
I finally saw jellyfish for the first time this season, but it was only about 4 of them, water was beautiful today though. SO WARM!