Celebrity Apprentice


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
My other weekly (Reality show?) addiction. :getdown:

Gary Busey is already acting nuts. Richard Hatch is a big azzhole, I do not like him. Lisa Rinna is already acting like a backstabbing b*tch. We'll see how it turns out. :dye:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Lisa Rinna - isn't she the poster child for cologen lips gone wild?

:lol: That she is! And a snippy, prima donna backstabbing b*tch, too. :jet:

I don't like her so far.

I was rooting for I-Think-I-Love-You David Cassidy when Richard Hatch was pushing him around. GAWD, that is one arrogant jerk.

But, then David did not stick up for himself very well during that whole brou-haha in the board room. ICK,it was just so unbecoming. I was saying "just tell him to STFU, David!!!" anything to stand up for himself more.

Oh, well - I can't wait to see Jose Conseco mop the floor with that asshat Richard Hatch. I'm not a follower or fan of either - but I definitely loved watching the dynamics between them! :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What a dumb show! No one likes that show! Why, if they had a heavy metal apprentice well, then everyone would like that show because it would then, obviously, be a good show!!!



TV snob!!! :lol:
Yep, and since reality TV is on all over the channels everynight, I don't watch much TV. Listen to news all day on the TV in the office so I don't want the news at night or weekends. Any NCIS or CSI, Bones, etc. is about the extent of my TV watching.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
What a dumb show! No one likes that show! Why, if they had a heavy metal apprentice well, then everyone would like that show because it would then, obviously, be a good show!!!


Actually, I don't care what you think of it. :whistle:


Methodically disorganized
Well, so much for it being funny.
You would make such a joke, being a headbanger music snob and all. :rolleyes:

I lost most of my interest in the Apprentices when they began doing the celebrity series. I liked them much more when they were regular folks.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Well, so much for it being funny.

Hard to tell with you these days, Lar. Sorry. :shrug:

You would make such a joke, being a headbanger music snob and all. :rolleyes:

I lost most of my interest in the Apprentices when they began doing the celebrity series. I liked them much more when they were regular folks.

I rarely watch network TV. I find most sitcoms to be idiotic with a few one liners thrown in. I don't really care for the humor that passes for comedy these days anyway.

I have 3 guilty pleasures I watch throughout the year on regular network TV. Dancing with the Stars, Celebrity Apprentice & American Idol. YES! all are pretty mindless shows, but I found that I have some interest in the basic premise of each of the shows. When I watch them, I can just get away & decompress for that hour. That's what I want when I watch them.

Your mileage may vary! :buddies: