Cell phone providers


Active Member
I switched from VZW to StraightTalk in 2016, and I have had zero complaints. In fact, I have raved about the positive experience it has been until recently.

I’ll spare everyone the boring details, but I am having an issue and I simply can’t get it resolved after trying for more than a month. WalMart owns it, I guess. That pretty much explains everything.

I’m looking for a new provider to set up a prepaid service with unlimited data and autopay, but there’s so much to choose from! Who has the best coverage across the US?

I’m looking for all opinions, good and bad, please!


PREMO Member
I use Ting ..... 40 ish bucks a month for 3 phone lines .... we barely use them most of out usage is mobile data when away from the home wifi

General Lee

Well-Known Member
You are going to find complaints with any of the major carriers. To me, my choice would be based on best cell coverage. A lot of times you won't know who that is unless you've tried several. IMO, the phone plays a roll in that service as well. Crappy phone = crappy service/operation.