proudof3 said:
Cingular has great service in my opinion. I've been w/ Cingular for about 10 years. My phone picks up in all areas. Your phone has a lot to do w/ the reception you receive. Picking out the cheapest phone may not always be the best choice. As the saying goes, "you get what you pay for". I have coworkers w/ Verizon service, but they receive no reception in our building. My phone picks up in all areas of the building.
Not the price of the phone so much, but where your cell provider has antennas, for SOMD that would be VERIZON by a long shot.. South of the base there are very few antennas ONE for Cingular at Buzzy's Marina, and the other two (maybe three)three all belong to Verizon.
Cingular just put up the new cell tower last year, prior to that the ONLY phones that worked at all on Webster were Verizon, and now they've added towers down here, so we have MUCH better service here. My phone has lousy service in the building, but the building I work in is shielded, so it shouldn't work.
So, unless you plan on staying North of the Base, and not going out in the Bay, Verizon is the way to go.