Celtics v. Lakers...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...anyone give a crap? Bird. Magic. Worthy. Kareem. Cowens. Havlicek. Parish. Ainge. DJ. Scott. Cooper. McHale. Chamberlain. West. Russell. KC Jones. Riley. Auerbach. Cornbread. Tiny. McAdoo. Mikan.

Folks, this is the ####. This is awesome. These are the teams through history that kept great teams waiting for their chance.

I can't wait. :buddies:


Well-Known Member
...anyone give a crap? Bird. Magic. Worthy. Kareem. Cowens. Havlicek. Parish. Ainge. DJ. Scott. Cooper. McHale. Chamberlain. West. Russell. KC Jones. Riley. Auerbach. Cornbread. Tiny. McAdoo. Mikan.

Folks, this is the ####. This is awesome. These are the teams through history that kept great teams waiting for their chance.

I can't wait. :buddies:

I must be getting old. Born and raised watching Russell/Cousy/Sam/KC/Heinsohn/Nelson beating the shirt out of all comers. This just doesn't hold the same intensity for me. And as far as Phil Jackson v Red? Please. The benchmark for me is this: Count the coaches that Red turned out vs Jackson. To me THAT is indicative of the fact that Red coached players. Jackson just managed some of the best talent ever seen. Jackson's biggest talent was being able to know when to bail out on a team when they were getting ready to go belly-up.


I bowl overhand
...anyone give a crap? Bird. Magic. Worthy. Kareem. Cowens. Havlicek. Parish. Ainge. DJ. Scott. Cooper. McHale. Chamberlain. West. Russell. KC Jones. Riley. Auerbach. Cornbread. Tiny. McAdoo. Mikan.

Folks, this is the ####. This is awesome. These are the teams through history that kept great teams waiting for their chance.

I can't wait. :buddies:

Not the same quality players, and definitely not the same quality people.

Not the same level of class, nor sportsmanship.

No interest here, and used to be a big Celtics fan..

McHale, Bird, Parish, Ainge. Those days are GONE!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's the crotchety...

...old man quorum! :lol:

Do you guys realize that in the 1960's and 70's there was a bunch of old guys grousing about how Red wasn't half the man so and so was from back in the 40's and how the players were spoiled making all that money and having running water and real sneakers? :lol:

In any event, I agree about Jackson v. Auerback, but my point was that the rivalry makes us think of those days and people gone by. You can't argue that Bird wasn't worth his salt or Magic. Garnet could have played for Red. I think Kobe is top five all time. Paul Pierce plays his guts out. There's some guys here that play for the right reason; to win.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's been...

This is the matchup. :buttkick:

Lakers vs Celtics is an awesome championship series. It's been amazing so far.

...bizarre, like four totally different teams; the ones that play in Boston and the ones that play in LA!!!

I could see no way for LA to beat them. Now, I don't see how Boston can avoid going home down 2-3!!!


Well-Known Member
...bizarre, like four totally different teams; the ones that play in Boston and the ones that play in LA!!!

I could see no way for LA to beat them. Now, I don't see how Boston can avoid going home down 2-3!!!

I see Boston up 3-2; if not ending it there. After all, how many times is Pierce only gonna score 6 pts?


Pitty Party


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New Member
Kobe can't do everything himself. He has no help from his teammates and some don't ever play defense. So this is a real disappointment.


Well-Known Member
Kobe can't do everything himself. He has no help from his teammates and some don't ever play defense. So this is a real disappointment.

Donnie......Refer to post #12/ If the arrogant rapist wasn't busy trying to break Chamberlain's record for pts in a game to show everyone just how good he is without The Big Aristotle, those teammates would have been there for him.

MVP my Aunt Fannie's a$$
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