Census confirms: 63% of non-citizens on welfare


Board Mommy
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
Why go by precentages? Wouldn't raw numbers shed some light?

63% of 7.5 million households (non-citizen) = 4.7 million
35% of 107 million households (native) = 37.45 million
(Note that CIS doesn't include Medicare or Social Security in their findings)

So is the issue the number of people on welfare or illegals on welfare? Does the value of those benefits matter as much as the source of the information?

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is a non-profit research organization “that favors far lower immigration numbers and produces research to further those views.” It was started as a spin-off from John Tanton’s Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in 1985. Reports published by the CIS have been widely deemed misleading and riddled with basic errors by scholars on immigration; think tanks from across the ideological and political spectrum; media of all stripes; several leading nonpartisan immigration-research organizations; and by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The organization has also drawn criticism for its financial and intellectual ties to extremist racists. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) published reports in 2002 and 2009 connecting CIS to John Tanton, who helped found various other organizations, including the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and NumbersUSA, and showing he has ties to white supremacy groups and a eugenics foundation (SPLC). Bottom line, this is a hate group.


Well-Known Member
Nope. You simply crafted a bad moral equivalency.

The percentages illustrate exactly why we needn't be letting so many more in.

A moral equivalency fallacy draws comparisons between two different things. Percentages and the numbers those percentages represent is not a moral equivalency.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Why go by precentages? Wouldn't raw numbers shed some light?

IF you read my post, you will see that I did put a number in there.

So is the issue the number of people on welfare or illegals on welfare?

The number of illegals on welfare in this country should be 0. They're not even supposed to be here, let alone collecting our tax dollars as welfare.

If you want to fund the lives of criminals, go right ahead. Nobody is stopping you. But you have no right to insist the rest of us spend our money in that manner.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
AND! I note the narrative swerve. It's gone from "Nuh uh! There are no illegal immigrants on welfare!" to "So? More legal Americans are on welfare than illegals!"

You should wear a smoke detector as a hat for when your circuits start overheating from overload.


Beloved Misanthrope
I could care less about percentages, relative impacts etc. ... Its 4.7 million too ####ing many.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
A moral equivalency fallacy draws comparisons between two different things. Percentages and the numbers those percentages represent is not a moral equivalency.


Your intent was to try and posit that since the "raw numbers" were so different, and that much larger number of citizens are on the dole, it's all fine and dandy. A false moral equivalence.


Well-Known Member
And that is *households*. There's even more beneficiaries.

Households that include American citizens, yes? Shouldn't the study be looking at individuals instead?


Your intent was to try and posit that since the "raw numbers" were so different, and that much larger number of citizens are on the dole, it's all fine and dandy. A false moral equivalence.

Fail is trying to tell someone what their intent is. Double fail is doing it incorrectly. Again, that's not a moral equivalency despite what you learned in "Forum Buzzwords 101".


Well-Known Member

Your intent was to try and posit that since the "raw numbers" were so different, and that much larger number of citizens are on the dole, it's all fine and dandy. A false moral equivalence.

Since it's not only FREQUENTLY said they don't ever get any - it should at least evoke as much outrage as it should if
extremely wealthy people were getting welfare checks.

(Of course, I can hear the hue and cry of those saying oh but they do! through tax cuts.
Except that a tax CUT is lowering the payments someone *makes* - it's keeping more of your own money,
rather than getting someone else's money.)


Well-Known Member
Why go by precentages? Wouldn't raw numbers shed some light?

No. Raw numbers are misleading. It's like saying there are more white people in jail than black people if you look at just the numbers. That doesn't mean much when shown black people are grossly disproportionately represented in jail.

Now, if your point is that too many people, period, are in jail or taking tax money from productive members of society or whatever, then you have a point in a whole separate discussion.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Just to point out the stunningly obvious, the term your propaganda source is using is "non-citizen". That does not mean illegal. This is a common tactic pursued by the Center for Immigration Studies.

Regardless, non-citizens should not be receiving benefits paid for through taxing citizens, agreed?


Well-Known Member
The welfare is only a part of the problem.
There is education, health services,and the cost of imprisonment.Plus the cost of a hearing and trying to find these perps when the hearing is supposed to start.