Chad Dukes Rant on the Skins


Big Dog Daddy
Wow. That is crazy. But i understand where he is coming from. I listen to that show everyday. I would feel the same way. There is always drama going on in DC. Im not bashing the Skins, but something needs to change and it is Snyder. But that is not going to change for another 30 years.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I always find people fascinating that say one thing, that it's going to rain, and then run out the door without a rain coat and then get mad at the rain.

Dukes says "I am all for people getting paid what we, society, say they are worth...' and then go on to claim the Redskins owe we, the fans even a single penny after a particularly bad performance.

So, Chad, grab you a rain coat. Stop giving the Redskins a single penny. Fans are stopping to pay. Seats are not being bought. Fans are selling their seats, as Chad mentioned, to fans of the other team. Good lord. my man. It is just a game. If you 'live' this, maybe you could take a few of your entertainment dollars and put them into some decent therapy.

"I want Redskins reparations!" :lol:


Methodically disorganized
Fans are stopping to pay. Seats are not being bought. Fans are selling their seats, as Chad mentioned, to fans of the other team.
I have seen a lot of "I have always loved this team and always will, through the good, bad and ugly" type comments the past couple days. I don't get the connection; it seems like an out. If anything, the die-hards should be the first to bring the criticisms. As PsyOps said in the other thread, boycott the team in addition to speaking out, then maybe ownership/management will stop taking their loyalty for granted... and start performing better.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have seen a lot of "I have always loved this team and always will, through the good, bad and ugly" type comments the past couple days. I don't get the connection; it seems like an out. If anything, the die-hards should be the first to bring the criticisms. As PsyOps said in the other thread, boycott the team in addition to speaking out, then maybe ownership/management will stop taking their loyalty for granted... and start performing better.

It's a defense mechanism, protecting a thing one loves. Snyder killed that for me and made me see the Redskins as he sees them, as a product, a long time ago. It was a process of loving them less and less but, he succeeded. This is just a business to him.

You don't bring in an Albert Haynesworth if you loved an undrafted nobody names Joe Jacoby.

You don't bring in Dion Sanders, a Cowboy, a 49er, if you loved Darrell Green.

I mean, consider; the best teams have home grown core players, Brady, Manning, Marvin Harrison, Brushci, Roethlesbuger, Rivers, Troy, James Harrison, Hines Ward, Strahan, Eli, Jacobs, on and on and on, you don't have at the core of your team a bunch of hired guns. You get those guys to help finish the job, not be the core of the team, and Snyder has, as a marketing guy, always thought of buying talent, not growing it.

As for coaching, the best teams have guys who reach their pinnacle WITH you, not before you. Coughlin, Belichick, Tomlin, Dungey, Lovie Smith, your coaches are ones who either build their career with you or take those last steps to the top with you. That's not what we do.

If you want to keep loving and enjoying the Redskins, it's really hard to not get defensive, it gets old being critical, when you know that the central problem, the owners view of how things are done, is simply not going to change.

I've suffered enough and let it go, I've rationalized it. I'll always be a Redskins fan but, that won't stop me from enjoying the game even when it is Vick putting on a stunning show for a mortal enemy. It IS just a game and I simply laugh at the thought of giving emotional commitment to anything Dan Snyder is involved in because of how he goes about it.

Jack Kent Cooke saw himself as the owner of a team competing to be the best. He did not see himself as having a clue how to do that on a personal level past hiring people to run his football operations with the goal of being the best and demanding it of them. He was captain of the ship, setting the course. He left the engine room people to do their jobs. Same with the people who manned the rudder, read the charts, watched the tides. He expected them to do THEIR jobs. Very well.

I don't fault Snyder for wanting to play with his toy. It is his toy. I'm just not interested in emotional attachment to it any more.

I was in a bar with my step son watching the game Monday and a group of people were there, 20 somethings, and some of the guys were screaming out loud "What the ####???" and actually enraged and actually angry and hurt and it made me laugh. I used to be that guy, kinda. But, I'd argue I had reason to be that involved because I was confident the goal actually was to win and let the promoting take care of itself. Strive to be the best to gain fan support. Snyder strives to sell the image first and being the best is secondary. Not that he means to have this constant mess, only that his way produces this constant mess.

And Dukes, on teh radio, some of that was an act, his job but, some of it was real. I ain't giving that to Snyder.


My Sweetest Boy
Snyder killed that for me and made me see the Redskins as he sees them, as a product, a long time ago. It was a process of loving them less and less but, he succeeded. This is just a business to him.


As someone close to me says: "The Washington Redskins is a marketing company that just happens to own a football team."


Nothing to see here
I'm just not interested in emotional attachment to it any more.

I hear that, and I do miss that attachment. Age definitely changes the way you look at things. Its false hope on my part that Snyder evolves into a hands-off owner but I doubt, even if he does, that I will ever reclaim that attachment I had through the 60s - 90s.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I hear that, and I do miss that attachment. Age definitely changes the way you look at things. Its false hope on my part that Snyder evolves into a hands-off owner but I doubt, even if he does, that I will ever reclaim that attachment I had through the 60s - 90s.

It has nothing to do with age.

Ask older Patriot fans how they feel. Steelers. Ravens fans my age get all worked up like we used to. Even Giant fans.

They have reason to.



Nothing to see here
It has nothing to do with age.

Ask older Patriot fans how they feel. Steelers. Ravens fans my age get all worked up like we used to. Even Giant fans.

They have reason to.


I'll check back with you when you are older, sonny.:killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out

As someone close to me says: "The Washington Redskins is a marketing company that just happens to own a football team."

And that actually would be OK if the marketing company believed that winning the Super bowl was the actual goal.

Now, is it impossible for marketing people, folks who polish turds for a living, to think that way? Or, is this simply a case of the particulars of this marketing company and how they see things?

I mean, you don't have to talk people into being hungry or wanting to support the local team. You do have to talk people into eating at your place or supporting your team. You don't have to talk them into coming back if the food and service was good.

I think I just answered my own question.



Methodically disorganized
As for coaching, the best teams have guys who reach their pinnacle WITH you, not before you. Coughlin, Belichick, Tomlin, Dungey, Lovie Smith, your coaches are ones who either build their career with you or take those last steps to the top with you. That's not what we do.
I think it would useful to draw another business analogy here. In the corporate world, you see CEOs jump around all the time; the guy who was running K-Mart 8 years ago and Petco 2 years ago could be running Best Buy today. It's all the same to them. But in the NFL they cannot afford to do that because the entire mechanism, the relationships and the chemistry, function differently. Snyder seems to think he can swap out coaches - and players - and expect them to snap into place and start cranking out the greatness, but it will never work that easily.

It IS just a game and I simply laugh at the thought of giving emotional commitment to anything Dan Snyder is involved in because of how he goes about it.
Otter already answered this question: would you go back to loving the team as you did during the Cooke days if someone like that picked up the team? Or is the whole experience weakened for you?

Jack Kent Cooke saw himself as the owner of a team competing to be the best. He did not see himself as having a clue how to do that on a personal level past hiring people to run his football operations with the goal of being the best and demanding it of them. He was captain of the ship, setting the course. He left the engine room people to do their jobs. Same with the people who manned the rudder, read the charts, watched the tides. He expected them to do THEIR jobs. Very well.
Exactly how you described your operation being run. :lol: Hire great people, give them the process and the goal, then get the hell out of their way.

When you see someone like Snyder micromanaging it's indicative of someone with a huge ego, a distrust in the people THEY hired or both.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Otter already answered this question: would you go back to loving the team as you did during the Cooke days if someone like that picked up the team? Or is the whole experience weakened for you?

Love will bloom or, rebloom as the case may be, like a flower in the desert, even if you think all is long since lost, if the conditions are right.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Exactly how you described your operation being run. :lol: Hire great people, give them the process and the goal, then get the hell out of their way.

When you see someone like Snyder micromanaging it's indicative of someone with a huge ego, a distrust in the people THEY hired or both.

Cooke built his business(s) from his own hands early on and made the transition to the former part of the above. Snyder built his business from his own hands and has not made that transition.

We can talk forever about why one way worked and one didn't.

Jerry Jones and Snyder are soul mates in that they have not and do not want to make the transition. Being so involved is what they WANT to do.


I know nothing
Dan Snyder is a closet Eagles fan, that has been slowly destroying the Skins organization from the inside, to make the NFC east easier for the Eagles to win.... :lol:


Methodically disorganized
Love will bloom or, rebloom as the case may be, like a flower in the desert, even if you think all is long since lost, if the conditions are right.
With any luck, Snyder will decide to run off and buy an island and play in the sand for his middle-aged into twilight years. Coincidentally, the reincarnated J.K. Cooke will be in the right place with a few billion dollars to throw on the table. :popcorn:

Dan Snyder is a closet Eagles fan, that has been slowly destroying the Skins organization from the inside, to make the NFC east easier for the Eagles to win....
I think his job in D.C. is fairly well done. Now he should go to work on NYG. Like Godzilla stomping through Japan.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Dan Snyder is a closet Eagles fan, that has been slowly destroying the Skins organization from the inside, to make the NFC east easier for the Eagles to win.... :lol:
That's wrong but I Love it. Like Chad said %50 Eagles fans at FedEX Monday night. Next season %65....Snyder don't care Eagles fans drink more beer inturn puts more money in his pocket. :buddies: