Change of plans.


New Member
I'm coming back home. I miss Rebel way too much and i don't know anyone here but my family and it's all just too hard. If anyone knows of anyone hiring.. ANYTHING... please let me know!

Thanks :)


New Member
I'm coming back home. I miss Rebel way too much and i don't know anyone here but my family and it's all just too hard. If anyone knows of anyone hiring.. ANYTHING... please let me know!

Thanks :)

Sorry things arnt working out. I hope things get better for you.


I don't think you should give up just so fast. But either way I hope you're happy with your decision! Have a safe trip.


New Member
Oh dear, don't marry a military man.:whistle:

I grew up in a military family, the moving part isn't the problem. I'm almost 17 years old, I'm not ready to be on my own, i'm not willing to spend 4 months without my horse, my happiness. If the guy i'm in love with was with me, it might be a little easier, but him being 2000 miles away, doesn't help either.


New Member
where did you go to work? sorry you are not having a good time :(

I'm in washington, was supposed to work at a camp being an assistant therapeutic instructor, but I ride english, and it's a western camp, i'm not allowed to ride all summer, the girls are all stuck up, and it just sucks.


New Member
huh that does sound tough. what made you choose this specific camp out there? have you looked into Kamp Akomplish (or something like that) in charles co?


New Member
huh that does sound tough. what made you choose this specific camp out there? have you looked into Kamp Akomplish (or something like that) in charles co?

my sisters live out here, and i thought it would be good to get away from maryland and things for awhile, but i was wrong. and yes ma'am, i've been a volunteer out there, and i applied for the summer job, but with me applying to the one out here, they needed to make sure they had someone who was solid in the job and deffinitely going to be able to stick around.


New Member
I grew up in a military family, the moving part isn't the problem. I'm almost 17 years old, I'm not ready to be on my own, i'm not willing to spend 4 months without my horse, my happiness. If the guy i'm in love with was with me, it might be a little easier, but him being 2000 miles away, doesn't help either.

Almost 17 is still very young to be on your own and the first couple of months can be very isolated and lonely in any new place. I sympathize for when I was 17 I decided to go to college about an 11 hour drive from my family and I had no car, no horse, I knew no one! The first time I got to see them was Christmas and I was also from a military family. But it did get better, are you sure you are ready to throw in the towel? You will make friends and could learn a lot just give it time? Best luck with your decision whatever you decide.
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New Member
Dont give up yet, keep working at it. Hard experiences are what prepare us for the real world. Stay, have your experience, it will get better and you will learn new things (about us crazy western folks:dork:) but you will be better off as an equestrian and a person if you stick this out.

BTW I have been married 10 years and with the same guy 13 -- I dont think we've actually been physically together for half of it due to the military. If its real it will weather any amount of time! At 17 dont base major life decisions on a guy.....


New Member
hahaha "guys" can be troublesome.............
what doesn't kill us makes us stronger! is the tail wagging the dog? haha that's my new favorite phrase.

i'm sure whatever you decide will be right for you.


New Member
hahaha "guys" can be troublesome.............
what doesn't kill us makes us stronger! is the tail wagging the dog? haha that's my new favorite phrase.

i'm sure whatever you decide will be right for you.

And yes, its the tail wagging dog too :) I miss my puppy!

lol and yes, i just want to enjoy my summer, i'm young, thats what i'm supposed to do, not sit across the country and be miserable.


Ahhhh Florida!
Washington State sucks IMO, I would come home too. :killingme I lived there for 3 1/2 years, and if I had to go back you would have to put me in a straight jacket. Come home girl. I understand now.


New Member
It is just kinda stupid that you obligated yourself to working a job for he summer and when it isnt fun anymore and hard your going to quit? I understand, but when you obligate yourself to something you should stick it out. If you cant do this because its 'hard' what else will you quit??