Change to popular vote for president?

Should the election be changed to popular vote?

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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Why would we change something that's been working for over 200 years? Are Democrats afraid Obama isn't going to pull his numbers?


Do you approve of PG, Montgomery and Baltimore doing all the voting for Maryland? Me either, that is an example of the problems with the Popular Vote.

If you enabled the popular vote for President then California, and the East Coast would determine our President, the heck with the rest of the country

Excellent response and right on point! :buddies:


I bowl overhand
Should our system be changed to a popular vote for president?

No. the idea of the electoral college is to prevent some viral vote for Paris Hilton happening, and her getting in the White House.

It's one of the Checks and Balances.. and ensures, like stated above, that California, and NY don't decide who the President is every 4 years.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Democracy... when 6 wolves and a sheep vote on what's for dinner.

A representative republic with certain inalienable rights is 5 wolves and a sheep with a smoking gun voting on what's for dinner.


I bowl overhand
Well they are the party of "Every Vote Counts"

except when its beneficial for them not to be counted


yeah, now that Hillary's conceded NObama wants the FL and Michigan votes and Delegates to count.

Friggin morons.

Don't forget to check your tire pressure, your nation's survival may depend on it!!


New Member
Do you approve of PG, Montgomery and Baltimore doing all the voting for Maryland? Me either, that is an example of the problems with the Popular Vote.

If you enabled the popular vote for President then California, and the East Coast would determine our President, the heck with the rest of the country

Interesting - its republicans that usually detest democrats for standing up for minority rule, or for pushing the minority issues to the majority. But if your argument against popular vote is that parts of the country with small population wouldn't 'count' than you are saying a popular vote would be a majority system.

Besides, I don't buy that argument. Popular vote is total vote. The person who voted in the middle of the country has just as much power as the person in a city. Yes, there are more people in cities, but that doesn't make each vote count less. Why shouldn't each vote count the same? Right now, a republican vote in CA doesn't count for anything. I would rather be in CA as a republican using the popular vote system - because right now it goes ALL to blue.


Although some folks slobber all over themselves yelling about "democracy this, and democracy that", the fact is, we do not - and never have - had a democracy in this country. It was set up as a Representative Republic by the Founding Fathers who specifically avoided Democracy.

And I think it's done pretty good so far.

A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.
-- Thomas Jefferson

A republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect and promises the cure for which we are seeking.
--James Madison


Interesting - its republicans that usually detest democrats for standing up for minority rule

I don't think Republicans want "Minority Rule" either.

I think the point to take from that is: Mob rules, whether majority mob or minority mob, is Bad Juju.


New Member

I was thinking that too.
But I tell you, when I lived in CA and WAS a republican (call me disenchanted), voting republican in the very blue state was always a bust.


Interesting - its republicans that usually detest democrats for standing up for minority rule, or for pushing the minority issues to the majority. But if your argument against popular vote is that parts of the country with small population wouldn't 'count' than you are saying a popular vote would be a majority system.

Besides, I don't buy that argument. Popular vote is total vote. The person who voted in the middle of the country has just as much power as the person in a city. Yes, there are more people in cities, but that doesn't make each vote count less. Why shouldn't each vote count the same? Right now, a republican vote in CA doesn't count for anything. I would rather be in CA as a republican using the popular vote system - because right now it goes ALL to blue.

I vote no for the simple fact the electoral college saved us from 4 years of that loonbag Al Gore. That to me means it worked.
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New Member
Maryland (and your example of California) are examples of where the system went wrong (opinion). It should be that each Voting District gets to cast an independent vote, unfortunately for most states their vote gets lumped in with the Popular vote for that state.

What you want isnt a change to the Popular vote, you want a "Fix" to the Electoral College, giving each Voting District independence. which I think most would agree. This would also get away from Blue/Red states, since most would be purplish.

I could probably go for that system. My problem is that the 'republic' is suppose to represent you, and in most cases, it won't happen. Most of you Mccain lovers down here won't get to be represented - same in CA. And in other states, its the other way around. Districts would be better represention, I agree.


Well-Known Member
Just a little point I wanted to make...
Everyone who is for the electoral vote remaining the decisive vote and basing their reasoning on that if the popular vote decided the president, the coasts would basically decide the do realize that is GENERALLY the case now..right? The amount of electoral votes a state holds is based on population... :coffee: I believe changing to a popular vote being the decicive one would lead to a better representation of the people's elected official, and it would allow states like MD to split the vote a little better instead of the large city choosing where the electoral votes for the state go :yay:


Lem Putt
the coasts would basically decide the do realize that is GENERALLY the case now..right?

That would be great - if it were true. 2000: U.S. News Online: Election 2000: Electoral map

2004: Election 2004 - U.S. President

If you look at '92 and '96, Slick Willie won by winning the middle of the country.

United States presidential election, 1996 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States presidential election, 1992 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Main Streeter
We get a President every four years, don't we?

Mission accomplished.
...yes but with flaws. You've mentioned that your vote doesn't count in MD because of the winner take all nature of the current system. If we changed to popualr vote, everyone's vote would count. It wouldn't matter if a candidate "carried" a particular state because all of the votes would be totaled up nationally. The candidates would have to compete for all the votes instead of just the votes in a few key states.

While a voted to change to a popular vote system, my actual preference would be for states to to change the way Electorial vote are allocated. This option wasn't included in the poll. The votes should be awarded by congressional district and the two votes representing the two senators should go to the candidate who won statewide. I think Nebraska and Maine already do this.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...yes but with flaws. You've mentioned that your vote doesn't count in MD because of the winner take all nature of the current system. If we changed to popualr vote, everyone's vote would count. It wouldn't matter if a candidate "carried" a particular state because all of the votes would be totaled up nationally. The candidates would have to compete for all the votes instead of just the votes in a few key states.

While a voted to change to a popular vote system, my actual preference would be for states to to change the way Electorial vote are allocated. This option wasn't included in the poll. The votes should be awarded by congressional district and the two votes representing the two senators should go to the candidate who won statewide. I think Nebraska and Maine already do this.

...every vote DOES count. It just so happens that GOP voters get beat pretty bad in Maryland. So, the GOP has plenty of work to do WITHING Maryland to change that. If we went to some other system, the GOP, or whatever party is in the minority, has no interest to work within their state to change the balance of power. Now, ones local district becomes more important and to hell with the rest of the state; viola, we become even more insular, even more separated from one another. Congressional districts become their own defacto governments for purposes of voting.

This needs some thought in my view as to if there really is all that much wrong with what we have now.