Charges being filed against Alzheimers caregivers


Lawful neutral
70 charges being filed against current, former Alzheimer

Among the findings, authorities said, were that:

— patients were restrained with bed sheets and were subjected to inhumane and undignified conditions;

— staff was “double diapering” patients, a practice whereby multiple diapers are placed on patients at once to keep the employees from changing soiled diapers as often;

— patients were subject to physical abuse, such as being struck or hit with water;

— employees had prior felony convictions for charges from voluntary manslaughter to drugs, even though state regulations prohibit convicted felons from working in a personal care facility;

— unauthorized personnel were administering medications to the patients;

— and medication prescribed to the patients were found to be missing or unaccounted for during an audit of the facility in May 2013.
70 charges being filed against current, former Alzheimer

Among the findings, authorities said, were that:

— patients were restrained with bed sheets and were subjected to inhumane and undignified conditions;

— staff was “double diapering” patients, a practice whereby multiple diapers are placed on patients at once to keep the employees from changing soiled diapers as often;

— patients were subject to physical abuse, such as being struck or hit with water;

— employees had prior felony convictions for charges from voluntary manslaughter to drugs, even though state regulations prohibit convicted felons from working in a personal care facility;

— unauthorized personnel were administering medications to the patients;

— and medication prescribed to the patients were found to be missing or unaccounted for during an audit of the facility in May 2013.

In a lot of facilities the main caregivers are not making much more than minimum wage, are understaffed having way more people assigned to them then they can possibly get to in a regular shift, and are overworked in hours for a job that in an 8 hour shift would be exhausting. Add into it that many alzheimer patients can get violent in a split second, tend to wander where they shouldn't and tend to get into things that can harm them.

There is no excuse for treating any of these patients inhumanely, but when you pull out your torches and pitchforks please be sure to take direct aim at the boards who make the decisions to not provide adequate security, personnel, supplies and pay rates for these positions. Your best, most caring person CANNOT provide the care they need to provide under such poor conditions no matter how much they desire to do so. There is a reason they've had to resort to hiring felons. Your typical decent human being would end up quitting.

AND you can bet your bippy things will only get worse now that healthcare costs are spiraling out of control.


In a lot of facilities the main caregivers are not making much more than minimum wage, are understaffed having way more people assigned to them then they can possibly get to in a regular shift, and are overworked in hours for a job that in an 8 hour shift would be exhausting. Add into it that many alzheimer patients can get violent in a split second, tend to wander where they shouldn't and tend to get into things that can harm them.

There is no excuse for treating any of these patients inhumanely, but when you pull out your torches and pitchforks please be sure to take direct aim at the boards who make the decisions to not provide adequate security, personnel, supplies and pay rates for these positions. Your best, most caring person CANNOT provide the care they need to provide under such poor conditions no matter how much they desire to do so. There is a reason they've had to resort to hiring felons. Your typical decent human being would end up quitting.

AND you can bet your bippy things will only get worse now that healthcare costs are spiraling out of control.

Then we need to beat the f*ck out of these people too.
Then we need to beat the f*ck out of these people too.
It honestly is where the real problem lies. I know a truly loving, dedicated woman who worked for a local veteran's home and had been assigned to the alzheimer's ward. She often came home bruised and battered from patient outburst, the amount of time she could spend on each person in her rounds was pre-set so if someone messed themselves after being cleaned up or needed something beyond the normally scheduled tasks she had to chose whether to get back to them if time allowed at the end of the shift or to re-do them and let the one's waiting on her who had not been touched since the last shift swung through. And keep in mind that those not in their right mind wreak havoc and are a threat to not only her but to other patients and it is all on her to keep everyone on her list content which is way more than one person can handle. This is day in and day out and day in and day out and usually for more than 8 hours a day.... all the while getting paid pretty much as much per hour as someone flipping burgers at Burger King.

It sucks but this is the reality of how our society takes care of our elders and the mentally ill... hope like hell your kids can afford to take you in or go ahead and eat that cheesburger or smoke that ciggie in order to avoid this which could very well by your future.

BTW... She finally ended up quitting when a patient nearly strangled her to death before others finally came to see what the commotion was all about.
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It honestly is where the real problem lies. I know a truly loving, dedicated woman who worked for a local veteran's home and had been assigned to the alzheimer's ward. She often came home bruised and battered from patient outburst, the amount of time she could spend on each person in her rounds was pre-set so if someone messed themselves after being cleaned up or needed something beyond the normally scheduled tasks she had to chose whether to get back to them if time allowed at the end of the shift or to re-do them and let the one's waiting on her who had not been touched since the last shift swung through. And keep in mind that those not in their right mind wreak havoc and are a threat to not only her but to other patients and it is all on her to keep everyone on her list content which is way more than one person can handle. This is day in and day out and day in and day out and usually for more than 8 hours a day.... all the while getting paid pretty much as much per hour as someone flipping burgers at Burger King.

It sucks but this is the reality of how our society takes care of our elders and the mentally ill... hope like hell your kids can afford to take you in or go ahead and eat that cheesburger or smoke that ciggie in order to avoid this which could very well by your future.

BTW... She finally ended up quitting when a patient nearly strangled her to death before others finally came to see what the commotion was all about.

I agree these people dont get paid enough, and elder care sucks balls. Had the MIL and my grandmother stuck in one of those #### holes and I pray I drop dead before I ever get put in one of those. But everyone of these people need real punishment and that will never happen.